Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Air Time

Whew! I just got off the phone with Laurie Lind from KFNW, the local Christian radio station here in Fargo! We did a phone interview and she asked me questions about cohabitation and the deterioration of marriage, as well as accountability in marriage. It went great! I only fumbled over my words once, and recovered quickly, and I think I said some good, interesting things! I feel great. I even got to plug my new group that I'm starting in 3 weeks based on the book Saving Your Second Marriage Before it Starts. I'll be on the air this afternoon sometime, so I'm going to listen all day long and make sure don't miss myself! WOO HOO! I'm super excited about this whole ordeal!

I have to say that it's fun to have a blog. It's a creative space for my to put my thoughts. I always have wanted to write a book, and this is a place where I can test out ideas!

My best friend, Kris, is coming to visit me this afternoon! She's spending the night with us and heading back to the Twin Cities tomorrow. I'm super excited! We're going to go shopping and eat pizza and knit and drink coffee!!! Starbucks, here we come!


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