Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Yarn Fondling

Today I was pleasantly surprised with an invitation to Atomic Coffee with Dana and Erin. I got there late, but coffee, conversation, and knitting were all good. I had my usual 16 oz iced vanilla skim latte. That's the "usual." I also had an "orange cranberry cookie muffin with walnuts" that was organic. That, too, was quite tasty!

I'm almost done with my current project. I project that I will finish it tonight. Needless to say, I've got the yarn already for my next project...hence, the title of my blog today.

I had never been to Yarn Renaissance before, so Dana and I made an outing there today and I found out the gloriousness that is Y.R. I found this one particular yarn that included purples, dark blues, yellow, and greens, that I nearly licked, it was so beautiful. (I fondled this one extra long...hee hee.) So, I've already got the yarn out and have begun knitting a swatch, which I believe will always befuddle me. I do not understand completely the swatch, and hence, I find myself knitting for no particular reason! But, because of the beautiful light blueness of the yarn, I am happy, nonetheless.

Chris' friend, Aaron, is here visiting from the Twin Cities. He came up last night, and we watched "Meet the Fockers," which I had forgotten was very, very sexual. It was still a good laugh, needless to say. Today they went to a free pancake breakfast, the motorcycle show, and lunch at a pizza buffet. Now they are watching College Basketball, while Chris periodically naps. I think this day must have been heaven for the two (free food, motorcycles, pizza buffet, and sports on TV, mixed with napping...and Chris gets to hold the remote...)

New Subject**
I was inspired by Erin's blog concerning her year of purging and cleansing. I have often thought about going through all of our stuff and seeing what can be tossed/donated and what can be reorganized. Considering it took me 6 months to file all our bills and paperwork, this could be an endless project for me, if I choose to accept it. I think I will start with having Chris go through his clothing and getting rid of old, nasty t-shirts, and hawaiian shirts that are faded and ugly.

I discovered a new little obsession of mine - consignment clothing stores. There's one in Moorhead that I just located yesterday where I found my newest pair of favorite shoes for $7, an angora sweater for $8, and an Italian merino wool sweater for $12. You can't beat that. They're all very stylish and in great condition. I love good finds.

Well, I need to go prepare food for supper. It's meatloaf of Chris' faves. I do not understand this, nor do I try. I only aim to please....


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