Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Monday, March 20, 2006


I'm coming to realize that life is more than just careers and money and success. I guess I'm getting older or something. One of my friends from seminary always used to ask me, whenever I was agonizing over a job situation (of which there have been many...), "what are your goals?"

So, I've been forced to ponder my goals again.

My goals include the following:
having a successful marriage
raising God-loving children
having a nice house
being a good neighbor
helping people have good marriages

When I would list these things for her, she would always say, "Do any of those really have anything to do with your job?" They don't, specifically, but one must have a job in order to accomplish these things. Right now, I hardly have a job. I've completed 3 hours of therapy this MONTH, and very few hours working on the adoption agency licensure process. Things are not looking up. But, I'm not going to complain. I'm just going to do something about it. I'm going to do whatever it takes.

I think I've been going the wrong direction in life for a while. But, I think I'm figuring things out. I feel very blessed by God right now. The biggest thing that's happened is that we've finally found a church to call home. It's taken 7 months, but we've done it! I feel that this is the center of my life and that the rest of everything else is going to fall into place around it. I have a sort of peace. Now, I can realize that even if I'm not working with people to help them have better marriages for my job, at least I'll have a place to do it at church!

So, my next question is this: can one think one is in the place that God has planned for one, but suddenly realize that this place wasn't the right one? I suppose it's easy to do that, now that I think about it. We can never really see the whole picture, and maybe that place you thought was the right place, really was for the moment, to get you to a new place. Maybe there are no wrong places, only detours, or pit-stops in order to refuel. That's what I'm going to think of this last juncture of life as: a pit stop in order to refuel! When you're trying to follow God's will, maybe there aren't wrong places to be. Hmmm.

All of this stemmed from a conversation I had last night about the 9th and 10th commandments: Do not covet your neighbor's house, or his wife, or his manservant or maidservant. Do not covet his donkey or anything that is his. (paraphrased) Let's just say that Heather needed to be reminded about this....


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