Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Today I just feel like rambling. Like, first of all, I just started my new knitting project, a sweater, that's going to be baby blue. The yarn is quite pretty. It's made out of wool and llama.

What I really want to ramble about is something else. Something that I really want to talk about, but feel that if I do, I'll jinx it. So it has to wait until Monday. Then I'll write about it. And no, I'm not pregnant. At least, I don't think I am!

I ate two cookies after my lunch. I was hungry, but I need to learn that eating a lot at once isn't good for my stomach! Now I have a stomach ache! And the cookies were delicious.

I hope my husband gets home soon. He had to travel across the state today. Well, not all the way across, just to a town north of Jamestown. Still, what a bore! There he is! He just walked in the door! Now it's time for him to call the placing agency that's hopefully going to help him find a job! WOO HOO!

So...what shall I write now? I have a dozen things going through my mind, and nothing that I can pin point enough to write.

Like my friend, Erin, I have started a purging process in my house. I went through all of my husband's clothes and found 3 bags full of crap that can be donated, and another pile of crap that I threw away. I found some more from my closet that I can try to sell. It felt so good. Then I started on the bookshelves. So far I've found a stack of books at least a foot tall that I have never read, and another stack that I'm going to pitch or donate. I still have another bookshelf to go through.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah......


Blogger Erin said...

"Tina, come get some ham!"
This is now the required comment whenever someone tells me they are knitting with llama.
Sorry, I know you hate that movie.
Happy purging!

2:49 PM  

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