Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Give Me Ambiguity or Give Me Something Else

I stole that quote from a sweatshirt my dad has. I'm not exactly sure how it applies to my post today, but it was the best title I could think of.

I don't post much anymore. Even though I really enjoy writing and posting, I'm generally unsure of what to write on my personal blog anymore. Since the blog used to be just general thoughts and stories, now my life has changed quite a bit and I feel I have more certain things to write about - my growing belly, for one thing. But the flavor of the blog would change at that point, and I'm not sure my concrete mind could handle changing course in the middle of Mocha Monologues. So, the question then, is this - do I start a new blog and write about the more pertinent things on my mind (pregnancy, labor and delivery, being a new mom, trying to find a way to stay home full time, etc) or do I just continue as is?

All that said, I guess I do have some things to say today: some baby related, some not.

This was quite a lovely weekend. Friday night I was really worn out, as usual, so we just stayed home. Saturday Chris was gone all day taking the youth group skiing. I was home by myself all day, which was okay until about 5:00 pm when I started to get lonely. But it was a glorious day. I never got out of my pajamas. I watched some of my Tivo'd shows, I read, I did my Bible study, I talked to my mother, I made some food, even took a little nap. It was quite nice.

Today, of course, was the first day of Daylight Savings Time, or the reversal of it, or something. I'm never sure if we're saving daylight during the winter or the summer. Anyway, it must have taken a toll on Chris and I, because we both took a 3 hour nap this afternoon on the couch. I just made a casserole, and I got started on our baby registry on I like that site because they have so many organic items. I also bought a stroller on Ebay tonight. We bought a used car seat from some friends, and that particular style isn't in stores anymore. I found a new one, still in the box, on Ebay, and was able to purchase it right away.

We also got the nursery decor figured out for the most part. I'm putting together my own theme - sweet peas. The walls will be orange sherbet, the carpet will probably be tan or cream, the crib will be stained espresso. Chris is going to make a small changing table and stain it the same espresso color as the crib. I ordered an organic fitted crib sheet, a dust ruffle, and a knit organic blanket for the crib. I had all but ordered an entire bedroom set for the nursery, when I discovered that you aren't supposed to use the comforter in the crib with the baby, and you're also not supposed to use the bumper pad. So, that leaves the fitted sheet and the dust ruffle (those 4 items usually come together in a set) and I was not about to pay $199 for the use of the two cheapest items out of the four! So, I decided to do my own thing. I'm going to be asking a co-worker, who is a brilliant seamstress, to make a pea pod wall hanging, and I'm hoping to find a mobile aparatus in a second hand store, take off the little decorations that go around in circles, and put pea pods on in their places. I'm very exicted about this whole endeavor. I also registered for some baskets to go beneath the changing table that Chris is making, in stead of buying a $45.00 diaper stacker. I feel like things are starting to fall into place and that I can finally start getting ready for this baby!

We also seem to have decided on a boy's name! I'd call all of this PROGRESS!

So, that's my randomness for the month, I guess. Maybe I'll be back before the month is out!