Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Very Pregnant

So, today, 10 months after my last post, I remembered that I have a blog, and decided to write in it. And yes, I'm very pregnant. In approximately 6 weeks, I will be giving birth to a new little human. I'm both anxious, excited, and terrified. As I watch my belly bounce around with the movements of Baby #2, I remember the, uh, interesting birth I had with Elijah, and continue to pray that things go completely differently this time. Different, as in, better. As in, no epidural, no spinal headache, no blood loss, no blood transfusions, no nursing problems, no dehydration...get the idea? It wasn't pretty. But I do have an adorable, sweet, amazing little boy now, so I'm very thankful for that. He's currently watching the Food Network right now, which I find both endearing, and troubling, as I really don't want him to be glued to the television. But, considering the FN is the best channel on the waves, I'll let it slide for now. :)

I don't have much energy today. Glad to be home, but also frustrated by the fact that instead of being home and enjoying myself, I have to think about the garage sale we're having this weekend, provided it doesn't rain, the 10 hours of work I need to complete at home this week, and find myself generally uncomfortable that my time is never mine, nor is it enough. I suppose this is something that I must get used to? Is that right? Jesus said that he came that we might have abundant life. I don't think I need to get used to this time deficit, I think I need to remember that God will give me enough time in each day for everything he gives me to do. That means I need to be more in tune with him, so that I'm not doing things that he doesn't give me to do. Hmmm....nice ponderings for a rainy Wednesday afternoon.

I was totally and completely just blessed by my friend Wanda who called and asked if she could bring Nichole's for lunch...OF COURSE!!! You can always bring Nichole's to my house for lunch - just in case anyone out there reads this and wonders... :) It definitely turned my day around - gave me a reason to get out of my pajamas, curl my hair, put makeup on, and be a normal person for the day! Got my mental health out of the toilet and back to normal, too. Thanks you Wanda!


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