Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Oh the Wonder...

This is my first Christmas being a mommy, and it's given me a whole new perspective on Christ's birth and life, and the incredible sacrifice that God made. God, as the Father, sent His ONLY Son to be born on earth as a human baby, to live, and to die, for all of us. His one and only Son. A baby, a child, is a precious gift. As a mother, I love my son in a way I didn't know I was capable of loving. I always heard mothers say things like that before, and I thought it was nice, but couldn't understand it for myself. It's one of those things you must experience, I think. To watch Jesus be born, grow up, and ultimately offer his life as an atoning sacrifice back to God for all OUR sins, is nearly unfathomable. The pain that God must have felt.... it must have been excruciating.
That makes what He did all that more special, and incredible. It makes Him worthy of our praise - could any of us have done what He did? The amazing things God does for us, and we tend to turn away from Him and rely on ourselves. I know I do. Forgive me, Father. My irreverence sickens me.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below; praise Him above thee heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


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