Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Yes, that is I. Decisionless. I have not decided what to do about my blog. I really do enjoy the writing, as that is one of my favorite things to do. However, I have now found myself to have small bits of cyber-real estate in a few too many places....facebook, flickr (which I rarely use, but feel it will be mighty handy after BB comes), and of course, right here on blogger. I'd get rid of facebook, but I do get to see pictures and hear updates about friends that I probably wouldn't get to see or hear otherwise.

So, I'm still here, and maybe I'll figure out how to integrate this blog into my changing role in life. It shouldn't be too hard. Maybe I'll change the name to Mocha Momma!

I guess I'm going back to work in the fall. I'm both happy and sad about this. Actually, I'm surprisingly okay with it. I am cutting back my hours to 30, and my employer will allow me to work 18 hours in the office and the rest at home. I figure that's really not so bad. It's less than half time in the office, and I'm fairly okay with that. I still wish I could stay home full time, not that I don't like my job, but that I want to be home. But, who knows, maybe this will be the perfect balance of home and work. I do think I'd miss this particular job if I were no longer here.

We took our Childbirth Education class last Friday and Saturday. It was fairly informative - not that it was particularly new information, but that it was good to hear it in one long, cohesive blow. Tuesday we took Music Therapy Assisted Childbirth, and that was really helpful. I'm going to put together some CD's to accompany the different stages of labor. I'm thinking a little Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique, maybe some Shostakovich No. 5, and I'm sure I'll include Vivaldi's Four Seasons for relaxation purposes, especially Springtime. Next week is Car Seat Safety.

Funny things about pregnancy...everything I pick up with my hands immediately falls on the floor, which is a really bad thing, because it's not particularly easy to bend over and get it....Chris said he put his hand on my belly the other night when he came to bed (I was asleep) and as soon as he did, the baby kicked him....Baby gets the hiccups and it kind of feels like when your eyelid twitches - just this strange little ticking feeling; I always thought that my whole belly would bounce, the way people talk about it, but that's not the case for me. I feel kind of bad for the little thing - when I get the hiccups it hurts! The really funny thing about the baby getting the hiccups is that it happens because it's swallowing amniotic fluid.

Funny thing about blogging - I can think of extremely interesting things to write about when I'm in the car or when I'm somewhere nowhere near my computer, but when I'm sitting in front of the computer, I have nothing to say...

Maybe I'll have some licorice.


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