Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Not Particularly...

I'm not particularly inspired to write today. In fact, I'm not particularly inspired to do anything today.

Except sneeze. I've been sneezing for the past 18 hours, basically.

I've been drinking some decaf green chai tea from Trader Joe's this morning, and while it tastes good, I'm not sure my stomach is all that fond of it. I suddenly feel like puking.

I feel like I should write something worth reading, but I'm not sure what that is.

Ah, this is worth reading: my husband got up this morning and went to work. What a great thing! It made me happy. And, he started emptying one of our bookshelves this morning, to take his youth pastor books to his new office, which also makes me happy, because now the books won't be two rows deep on the shelf. Good times.

I just came across a very fun book, and I will share some of its contents herein:
Cheap Ways to Plan a Creative Date
1. Car-less Drive-In: Haul your TV & DVD player out to the backyard on a starry night with a blanket and some bug psray. The neighbors might think it strange, but you'll have a blast.
2. Skip Dinner: Eat dinner at home. Later, go out for Krispy Kreme or Dunkin' Donuts. Stop at the ice cream parlor. Just get a snack together, which is definitely chaeper than a whole meal. Instead of going out late, get up before work or class and go out for breakfast. Or meet each other at your favorite restaurant for lunch. Most restaurants have lunch and breakfast specials, and it's cheaper than goign out for dinner.
3. Shower in the Middle of the Night: Watch the news for the next big meteor shower. They usually peak at some odd hour of the night, like 3 A.M. So meet each other at the park, or in the backyard and watch the shooting stars. Even if there is not meteor shower, just stargazing late at night would be very romantic.

Cheap Ways to Say I Love You:
1. Kisses: Buy a bag of Hershey's Kisses, take out all the flags, and replace them with messages you have written yourself. If you want your sweetie to notice them on their own, try usign bright paper to get their attention.
2. Two Straws: Go to the local diner and order an extra large milkshake with two straws. It's chaper than two milkshakes, and it's a classic romance move. You might even get a smooch in between sips.

Cheap Ways to Live Below Your Means
1. Forget Lump-Sum Living: Do envelopes, do a money program, do whatever, just abandon a life lived by the lump-sum balance in your bankbook. Lump-sum living is too tempting and too vague, a sure sign of something tha tmight lead us away from a life lived under our means. Instead, introduce "Spending Sectors" into yoru life. From CDs to collectables, from groceries to Grande Mochaccinos, spending sectors m ake you a diva of divvying funds, and at the same time set limits on spending. Set Sector limits by allocating funds to each. Spending is fine, but sectors clear up the picture and keep you from capitalizing on the longing only lump-sum living can provide.

Excerpts from Cheap Ways To... By Jason Boyett, Margaret Feinberg, Josh Hatcher, and Katie Meier, 2003.

Reminds me of how I want to write a book.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eewww... smooching over milkshakes? Ruin of a good milkshake... Yes, someday I will have to eat these words hopefully :) It was good hanging out with you this weekend, H. Happy Wednesday and hurray for hubby taking his books and going to work!!

8:32 PM  
Blogger Kiersten H. said...

I LOVE the fact that you said "good times" That makes me want to laugh very hard for very long. However, I don't think I'll do it at this point in time. Maybe I'll dream about laughing though. End.

8:23 PM  
Blogger joshhatcher said...

hey.. i know that Josh Hatcher guy!

(That's me.)

9:02 AM  

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