Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ahhh, the Crazy Life

Oh yes, life is crazy.

I'll give you the Reader's Digest version:

Husband has new job.

We will be moving to rural Minnesota in the next 2 months, I believe.

I'm keeping my job, at least until I have a baby or the government decides not to fund abstinence education programs anymore, whichever comes first.

I have found my ideal form of exercise: walking with friends. The conversation makes the 40-some minutes go by like about 5...

In-laws are coming for the weekend, but it's not going to be as bad as I thought...they're coming Saturday morning instead of Friday night. God really does answer prayer. I'm not even kidding.

Labor Day weekend...more inlaws.

I move up to 40 hours a week starting October 1st, so I have about 6 weeks of Free Fridays to enjoy.

We will soon be getting a dog. My vote: Mini dachsund. Husband's vote: Golden Retriever. We'll for sure get the Golden, but I still have to work on the husband for the mini doxie.

We will be BUYING A HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited that I want to call the realtor right now, however, we still don't know what Chris' salary will be, so we should probably wait on the realtor. I suppose that means we need to meet with the bank as well. Ugh.

I just heard a story that made me smile: a coworker's son or nephew or somebody just got married to the niece of Carold Widman, the owner of a locally-owned chocolate company and at the wedding reception was a PILE of chocolate at the end of the appetizer bar. and when I say PILE, it was described to me as a 28 inch by 28 inch tray, heaped about 14 inches tall with chocolate. The gods smileth upon us.

Okay, well, I've typed so much today that my fingers are no longer hitting the correct keys. I better sign off....


Blogger Kiersten H. said...

Fabulous news.
Fabulous news.
Fabulous news.
And, of course, the chocolate pile is...more fabulous news!!!
Plus, I think for the first time, I read your about me section

11:10 AM  

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