Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Oh brother. Today is the day of the Wretched Headache. I woke up with it and it only got worse throughout the day. I went home early, went to the chiropractor, and slept on the couch for 2.5 hours. I haven't had any substantial amounts of caffeine in about 48 hours, and I think this is the root of the issue. My head still hurts at 8:22 pm.
Anyway, on to bigger and better things.

Last week was the craziest week of my life, probably since grad school ended. I had been in Iowa for 4 days, June 1-4. As soon as I got back into town on Monday night, I went straight to the office and saw a client. Then I went right over to Erin's for knitting night, even though we didn't knit - we just looked at Levi most of the night! Tuesday was work as ususal and two hours of clients. Wednesday was work as usual and our community event with the abstinence educator from Colorado, which went swimmingly. Thursday and Friday were both educator training days at the Ramada for abstinence education. Thursday night we babysat for Jaden. Friday night was dinner with Craig, Liz, Jaden, and Chris' parents. Chris' parents stayed with us on Friday night and Saturday night. It was a stressful week, leading into a stressful weekend.

I am looking quite forward to my upcoming weekend in the Cities with Kris. We're going to the Farmer's Market, walking and tanning at Lake Calhoun, and the Mall of America, just to name a portion of our agenda.

I feel like there's a million things I want to write about, but I'm just going to wait for now. I think it might be the fact that I can't see straight.


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