Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I believe that this is the year of revamping. I'm going to turn 30 on September 29th this year, and I want to revamp myself before I enter that decade. The numbers are working against me... there's some statistic on gaining weight after 30 even if you don't change a thing about your eating lose a certain percentage of muscle every five years after 30...your fertility starts declining at 25 and once you hit 35 you're considered "high risk"...your bone density starts decreasing after 30...gosh.

There have got to be good things about 30, however. One of my coworkers, who is my mother's age, said that her friend thought that 30 was the best because she stopped caring what other people thought about her. That's definitely a good thing. Also, I'll still be young enough to do things, but old enough not to do stupid things, hopefully (that's called wisdom, hee hee).

Anyway, the revamping is beginning this week, officially. I have stopped my quest to lose weight, and am now on a quest to be healthy. I actually bought Bob Green's book, "The Best Life Now Diet", because it is such a well-rounded approach to exercise and healthy eating, and it's designed to be a lifestyle change that happens gradually, which increases your chances of keeping it up. Also, it doesn't deprive you in terms of eating, which also increases your chances of making it a permanent change. It's designed so that it's not a diet, in terms of going "on" and "off" of it. It's a way of life, which I agree with on all levels.

I've also finally found my niche in the career world. That's got to be one of the best feelings ever. I'm going to be increasing my hours from 20 to 30 as of June 1st, and as of October 1st, I'll go up to 40 hours. I think I'd be happiest at 35 hours, but we'll deal with that when the time comes. My mentor is encouraging me to really specialize my interests and develop them so that I can be more creative with my career in the future.

We're still working on my husband's career, which obviously affects me immensely, but it seems to be making some progress, so I'm trying to stay encouraged. It's hard, when my desire to buy a house and get out of the stinking apartment is so great, and hinges on his job. There's a lender standing about 3 feet from me at this very moment, talking to our homebuyer educator at work here, and they're talking about qualifying for a mortgage. It's killing me! I know what I want and what needs to happen to get it, but I feel so crippled, because of Chris' job situation! It's so maddening! So, this is an issue that we just simply have to pray about and work hard towards paying off debt, and getting him interviews.

I'm also revamping my spiritual life. I am going through a great "devotional" book (for lack of a better word) that contains excerpts from a lot of the classic Christian writers...Thomas Aquinas, Dallas Willard, C.S. Lewis, and the like. I just read a portion of Dallas Willard's book, the Spirit of the Disciplines, concerning discipleship. It was profound. He spoke to the issue of the American church abandoning the practice of making Christ followers DISCIPLES, by means of the way they live their lives, conduct business and personal affairs, spend money, treat people, etc. Jesus said that you can tell the kind of tree by the fruit it bears. What happens when the American church converts people, and then never teaches them about Christian living - about becoming Christ-like, which is our main purpose on earth here, aside from telling others about Christ? If you confess belief in Christ, but never change your life, are you really a Christian? Some people would argue that you can't help but change your life when you become a Christian, because you know what a sinner you are, and how far off the mark you land - you want to do better. A quote from C.S. Lewis comes to mind, "You cannot stay an egg forever - you must either hatch or go bad." Interesting.

All that said, I'm trying to get my prayer life in better order, my Bible-reading life in better order, and the way I conduct myself both at home and at work in better order. I don't want to look like the world to my children, whenever I have them. I want to look like Christ.

I also have to get my "relationship" with my in-laws under control. I honestly don't know how I'm going to do this. All I know is that I don't want to be anti-in-laws when there are grandchildren involved, although I don't know how I'm going to manage it all. I don't have the foggiest notion.

I also have some hobbies that I would like to develop more. I'm doing pretty well with the knitting thing. I'd like to do more with my new digital camera. I'm taking belly dancing lessons right now. I'd like to get back into yoga. I'd also like to start exercising WITH my husband. I'm always more motivated to do something when he's doing it with me...applies to cleaning the house or doing dishes, too!

Overall, those are the things I'm doing, and it's feeling good so far. It's a process. And my process is processing. I'm happy about that!

I think I'll go make myself some peach ginger tea!

There's Krispy Kremes in the kitchen. It's a good thing most of them are blueberry, cause I think that sounds nasty.


Blogger Kiersten H. said...

Christopher's favorite Krispy Kremes are the blueberry kind (yeah...not so much). I'm excited for you on this new quest to live a healthy life!!! I shall try this too, but first, I have to reevaluate my life and see where I could use the most work. I know how you feel about the anti-in-law situation, but have no advice. Plus, most importantly: I never knew you had my brother's birthday!!!

1:51 PM  

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