Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I haven't posted in a while, and the funny thing is that the other blogs I watch haven't been updated in a long time, either. Must be the weather. (???)

As my post is titled, "Newness," I want to say that things are looking good. I was offered a new position on Monday that I immediately accepted. I'll be working with teachers who are teaching abstinence in the school systems. It's a government-funded program, and it's really solid. I'm so looking forward to this job. Unfortunately, I won't be very busy until this fall. Apparently there are only one or two schools implementing the program this spring, but upwards of 17 or more in the fall. So, in September, or maybe even before, I will be able to quit my afternoon desk job to be able to have more time to do this! I'm super excited. It's going to be great experience and a wonderful thing to have on my resume, especially since I'm very interested in pursuing this topic further, possibly in the arena of writing a book or curriculum, or some such thing. My ultimate goal is to make it onto the Today Show with whatever I do. I'm not kidding.

Chris has a few resumes out right now, but the thing he really, really wants to do (youth pastoring, of course) probably won't be available until May or June. Really, that's not a long time from now, but it would be nice if it happened sooner. I guess I've been skeptical about him getting this position, because he's been out of the ministry for a couple years, but I just know that I've really got to trust God on this one. The way I see it, as a human, this would be the absolute perfect job for Chris, and from what we've heard, the benefits are amazing, as well. So it would be double blessing.

Another happy thing is that I changed my diet up last week to include only fruits, vegetables, non-fat dairy products, lean meats, and whole grains, and in only 6 days, my clothes are fitting better. I haven't been able to up the exercise yet, but I've been drinking more water, which is definitely good, and I hope in a week or two, to be able to take up swing dancing, to add to my new belly dancing lessons, and that with the both of them I will enhance my weight loss efforts.

My in-laws are coming to town next week. Mother-in-law is having her knee replaced. Apparently after the incident we had a few weeks ago, my point was made, as they have arranged for a hotel room the night before the surgery, and have already made plans to have my father-in-law stay with my brother-in-law a couple nights. Husband invited father-in-law to stay with us a couple nights, too, which, honestly, doesn't bother me...for three reasons. The first reason is that the trip is very necessary. Mother-in-law can hardly walk, and she's been like that since long before I met her over 3 years ago. Secondly, since father-in-law made arrangements to stay with brother-in-law, I don't feel so imposed upon - see, we moved to Fargo a week before our nephew was born, and so the inlaws stayed with us 3 times the first three weeks we lived here. I do understand that they wanted to come to the hospital and see the baby. Fine. Not a problem. And I also understand that prior to our moving here, brother-in-law and sister-in-law had the burden fully on them for hosting the family. However, when we moved here, the burden was shifted SOLELY to us. And, again, I do understand that the first 6-8 months that the nephew was around I'm sure they didn't want to bother the little family. However, had m & f -in-law even attempted to stay with them even a few times during this past year (the child is now a year and a half) I wouldn't be half as irritated as I am. The third reason that I'm okay with this visit is that it's only father-in-law. I can handle him much better than I can handle his wife. Anyway, that was a lot of babbling, and half of it probably didn't even make sense. Whatever. It's just another episode in the in-law battle. I'm scared what's going to happen when we finally have kids...

Back at the parents are finalizing the sale of their farmland tomorrow. It's only about 40 acres, but I think it's going to be weird that the land isn't ours anymore. It's also bittersweet because that land was going to be mine someday, but my parents really need the income for their retirement. And, considering the amount of money land is going for in Iowa, it's a wise sell. And I guess you've got to figure that "you can't take it with you." Apparently they're going to get my dad a Buick Park Avenue, which is something he's wanted forever. Strange, I know. They're also going to take a trip to Florida in August. After that they're going to revisit the idea of moving to Fargo. I guess I am of two opinions concerning that matter. First, if we have kids, I think I would really like my parents close because I grew up without grandparents for all practical purposes, and really feel like I missed out on a special family relationship. It would also be nice to have them around for childcare reasons. My second opinion is that I would like to NOT have to put my parents in a nursing home if it were ever to come down to that. If they were close, it could probably be avoided more readily than if they were still living in Iowa. So, we'll see.

More to ramble about....this morning in BSF, the lecture included a brief (very brief) overview of the 4 different ideas concerning the end times, the second coming of Christ, and the tribulation - Premillenialism, Dispensationalism, Amillenialism, and Postmillenialism. The overview really did little to help me sort the four out, but it reminded me that I find the topic interesting and may do some research on it in the near future.'s only 3:05... I don't have much to do at work today. I did it all the first hour and a half I was here. I guess I'm really not complaining. It allows me to write in my blog. And balance my checkbook. And make fliers for counseling. And call the pharmacy for a refill. And...

Unfortunately, I have to go to Wal Mart after work tonight. There are few pharmacies on this side of town, and the one I usually go to, which is located inside my grocery store, always used to be out of what I needed, so I decided that since my current Rx is a little on the strange side, I'd go straight to Wal Mart instead of dealing with the whole waiting game. I hate Wal Mart. It's dirty and more impersonal than any other store in the world. It's the epitome of everything that is going wrong with America, as far as I am concerned. I go there as little as humanly possible. Husband loves Wal Mart. Luckily he does very little shopping, so my trips there with him are few. Blech.

How much more can I ramble on?

Ah yes. I'm a die-hard American Idol fan. When it first came out, I was sure it had something to do with the mark of the Beast, and I refused to watch it. My second year of seminary, when the depression hit and all I could do was watch TV, I started watching it. Last year, I started voting. This year, I'm voting again. I love Chris Sligh. He's so funny, and he's got a great voice. He's the kind of person I hung out with in high school. Yes, I was one of the weirdos...a band nerd...I listened to classical music every day...I was President of French Club... Anyway, I'm rooting for the guy with the personality. I like people like Chris. He's not afraid to be unique and I admire that in people. I used to be more like that myself. I can't wait to see the girls perform tonight.

Well, I think I have exhausted my useless information for the day. I do love blogging. I don't care if I don't have the most exciting news or events or anything. It's just fun to type and get your thoughts out on the screen. I am sure that it will lead me to write a book soon. I can feel one brewing inside of me!


Blogger Cassandra said...

Does that book need a co-author?? :)

11:03 PM  

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