Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Cheesey Bacon Cheeseburger

Last night Chris and I decided to use one of our many giftcards we received for Christmas, and we went to TGI Fridays to dine out. Since I happen to be a connoiseur of cheeseburgers, I took it upon myself to try the Cheesey Bacon Cheeseburger...and it was delicious. It consisted of the burger patty, topped with Monterey Jack cheese, topped with applewood smoked bacon, topped with a BREADED, DEEP FRIED SLICE OF PROVOLONE...*sigh*....

I have decided that I can be classified with that group of people who love all things edible...Foodies. Husband does not understand.

Husband and I are still trying to figure out our lives, as I've written about in several blogs. Last night we had a heated conversation about careers and passion and life. We've both noticed something that has happened in our lives since Seminary. We both have lost our passion. I used to think that becoming a marriage therapist would be the end-all, be-all, or however that saying goes. I considered it my passion, even though I had never performed marriage counseling. But, I have had my eyes opened. Frankly, marriage counseling SUCKS. It's awful, and horrible, and ugly, and honestly, I would like no part of it. People only come to see a marriage therapist, when there is no hope left. They don't come when things are just basically difficult and they're having a hard time. They come when someone has had an affair and one member isn't sure they want to continue the marriage. I'm sorry, but no amount of marriage counseling can bring that back if one party isn't fully involved in the process.

Husband thought he was passionate about youth ministry, especially college ministry, but he's been hit with so many dead ends, that he doesn't know which way is up. Is he still passionate about it? He's questioning. He thinks about it every day. But no amount of praying or thinking has lead either one of us to any conclusions.

So what caused this leakage of passion? I'm inclined to say Satan is behind this mess. That's not to escape responsibility, because I still say we're responsible for getting it back. But sometimes I think we underestimate the power of the enemy in our lives. For two people who strongly felt they were CALLED into these occupations and ministries, to feel like the lifeblood has been sucked out of us and that we can't make a decision to save our lives, I can hardly think that's God urging us to feel that way! I suppose it could be, but it doesn't make any sense in my head.

So, the question was brought up last night, "If becoming a youth pastor is your desire, why aren't you doing everything within your power to make it happen? Why aren't you applying for positions all over the country, instead of waiting for something to become available here in Fargo?" (There's been ONE full time youth pastor position become available in the year and a half we've lived here, and he's got his resume in for it, although it sounds like they're not sure they're actually going to be hiring...) He didn't know, although he said he realizes he should be doing this. There's nothing holding us here. We never see his brother and sister in law, who live in town. His parents stay with us all the time (which is reason enough for me to move!!! Just kidding...sort of...yeah, I'm not kidding...).

I guess for me the bottom line comes down to this: do we stay here, searching for jobs in our fields for the rest of our lives, not having any guarantee that this will ever happen? That sounds like financial suicide to me, for one thing. And suicide in many other ways. Chris only wants to live here so he can hunt and fish in North Dakota. Just writing that sentence makes me want to cry.

The worst part is that we've got my parents asking us what we're doing, because they want to move to Fargo to be near to us. I do want them close, but this is just getting really difficult. I can't even guarantee them that we're going to be here in 6 months, or 2 years, or 10 years. As if it's not hard enough to figure out our own lives, we have to figure it out for their sake, too.

So that is the story of us for the past 2 1/2 years, really. That's about how long this has been going on. It has to get better sometime, doesn't it? I guess it probably doesn't.

In the meantime, I think I'd like another Cheesey Bacon Cheeseburger.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know since I work at Red Robin now you are patronizing the enemy with TGIFridays! Plus, our burgers are way better than their's! You could get the Red Robin Bacon Cheeseburger with "three thick slices of sizzling, hickory smoked bacon, crisp lettuce, fresh tomatoes and mayo." All with your choice of cheese: American, Cheddar, Swiss, Monterey Jack, Pepperjack, Provolone, Bleu! Now, doesn't that sound a whole lot better!!

On a more serious note, I am praying my heart out for you two! I'm in the same boat as you guys with figuring out my "passion" in life, but to have your parents wanting to move into the same town, with no guarantees you will be there in a couple of months...I can't imagine how that has to feel! I'm confident that God will show you the answer, hopefully very soon! I'm praying that He does!!!!

9:25 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Mike, you're funny - do they make you memorize the menu at Red Robin? We did eat at RR in Shoreview once. I had a burger that had onion strings on top of it, and it was absolutely delicious, although it made my stomach hurt. But everything makes my stomach hurt. Nothing new there.
We're praying for you, too. And, I actually found out that my parents are going to put the move on hold for a while, so that took the weight of the world off my shoulders. I didn't realize how much it was bothering me!
Thanks for the comment!

11:14 AM  

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