Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Venti Shaken Iced Green Tea

That's my beverage of choice these days. It's good for me, because it's green tea, and since it's cold, I can sip it all afternoon.

Well, that was interesting.

It's one of those days where I feel like writing, but I'm not sure what to say. There's several things going on in my head that I could write about, but I still can't settle upon one topic.

Chiropractic care
Jobs (includes husband's job)
Day dreaming
Coping skills for making it through your day when you don't like your job
Barnes & Noble
Being a stay at home mom
Weight Loss
Life on earth as a human
Purpose and meaning in life

These are the things that are going through my mind as I write today. I can hear my dad right now, "Heather, you take yourself way too seriously!" I think he's right.

And one other thing: I feel like a clown in my outfit today. (I'm wearing magenta pants. I'm not sure why. But, again, this relates to weight loss, as very few of my pants fit me right now, which is why, I suppose, I am wearing the magenta pants.)

I need a hobby. Okay, I knit. That's a hobby. But I don't do it all that often, and half the time my projects don't turn out the way I want them to. So that's not very satisfying. I will occasionally scrapbook. Part of me enjoys this, and part of me thinks it's just one of those things that you're required to do because you're a female. That part of me doesn't want to succumb to the scrapbooking behemoth. The other thing, is that I have nothing to scrapbook right now. For one thing, my digital camera is on the fritz, and frankly, I just want to buy a new one, because I bought this one when they first came out and it was cheap and doesn't have all the features I want. So, I don't have any picture taking capabilities at the moment. Not that I have anything to take pictures of even if I did have a working camera.

I like to bake. But sometimes it makes me crazy, because I don't have a ton of counter space in my kitchen, and when I'm dirtying a lot of dishes, I get overwhelmed very quickly, because I hate doing dishes. So, as of late, I haven't baked much, either (not to mention I'm dieting and baking just destroys my diet). Side note: last night we went to Kevin and Danae's apartment, which is right underneath her sister, Jenna and her husband Michael's apartment. They ordered pizza and someone made chocolate cake with chocolate frosting as well as peanut butter cookies (my fave), and they ordered Papa John's. It was a veritable smorgasbord of high calorie heaven. And I resisted! I said NO! I was so proud of myself. It was very difficult. The cookies were yelling at me.

I do water aerobics once a week, and yoga on Saturday mornings. I do enjoy that a lot. Not sure I would call either a hobby. Speaking of yoga, husband and I were at B&N last week and I was reading a yoga magazine and it had an article concerning simplifying. It took the concept pretty far, saying that our overconsumption in America is ruining the planet and causing war - that our gas guzzling SUV's have something to do with the war in the Middle East. I was inspired by it enough to go home and clean out the storage closet in our apartment. I got rid of 5 grocery bags full of crystal candy dishes, napkin holders, placemats, boxes of stationery and Christmas cards, glass tulips, and a plethora of other strange things that I will never use in my household. It felt wonderful. My friend, Erin, calls that an enema for your house!

On that lovely note, I'll sign off.


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