Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Double Monday

Lord, yesterday was a double-Monday. A double Monday is when you get a day off from work, but when you go back, it's worse than had you not had the day off to begin with. It's like taking vacation and going to Maui or whatnot, and then, upon your return, you realized that the vacation was just a mirage, that life still exists back in the real world, and no matter how hard you try, you can't get back to Maui for all the crap you have to deal with at work.

We were attending my nephew's first birthday party on Sunday afternoon. I was speaking with Suzanne's fiance, Harry, about coffee. His 14 year old son pipes up and says, "Coffee's good." And I said,"You're too young to drink coffee - I don't even care if you like the taste - you aren't allowed to drink coffee until you graduate from college and have to go out and get a real job." His dad (Harry) chimes in and says, "Yeah, once you start working and you realize you have to do this for the rest of your life, you start trying to do yourself in, each day." HA! I laughed out loud at that one - the kind of laugh where everything in the room stops and everyone stares at you. Yeah. But I think he kind of had a point there. The fact that one must work in order to survive is kind of stinky, even if you like your job, as I do. In fact, I like both my jobs, pretty much. The part-time receptionist gig is just fluff, and my real job is good, minus the anxiety and worry I experience from time to time. I always feel good after a session, for the most part. Maybe I'm just glad it's over!!!??? HA! AGAIN!

I was very crafty this weekend, which is very unlike me. However, I went out, bought myself a canvas and some paints and brushes and have begun painting a masterpiece to hang above our bed. I also did a couple pages of scrapbooking in my scrapbook of "Us." I made some homemade cards to send to my in-laws. And I made a purse. I'm very proud of this little bag. It was the easiest thing I've ever done in my life, and if my freaking digital camera would work, I'd take a picture of it and show it to you. Well, actually it's not finished yet, but when I get done, I'll try to post it.

Well, I believe I must be off, to ready myself for another day of doing myself in.


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