Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


After speaking with my supervisor on the phone today, I found out that I'm normal. My friends Dana and Erin think it's funny that I have a hard time with confrontation and I'm a therapist. Well, I found out today that it's very, very common for young therapists to have a hard time with confrontation, and that it takes lots of practice to learn to have a finesse with this art form. So, I'm going to learn. I guess.

Campus Crusade for Christ, or some similar thing, does a fundraiser every year here where they truck in Colorado peaches and sell them out of the back of trucks by the case or half case. They are yummy, and my co-workers just walked in with a box. I was first introduced to the Colorado peach at the Minneapolis Farmer's Market, and have been hooked ever since.

We bought life insurance yesterday! That's exciting. If Chris dies tomorrow, I'll be rich. If I die tomorrow, Chris will be less rich than I would be if he died, basically because I make less money than Chris.

Chris and I are going to meet a couple tonight who have a marriage mentoring program in Fargo. It's something that I've wanted to get involved with for a while, or even to start one of my own. So, at least we'll find out more about what they're doing and if we can become involved. I'm suddenly finding myself getting busy again. Now that I'll be working 20 hours a week with Starbucks, and Bible Study Fellowship is starting up again in September, and I've gotten a few more clients (hopefully will get more and more if this is going to work out), and I'm starting a recovery ministry that will begin after the first of the year and will require me training the leaders over the next 3 months, and, and, and...yes, my plate is becoming full again, and I think I like that very much!

And, I think I've come to some conclusions concerning my career. As much as counseling makes me crazy, and I'd like a job that I can leave at work, I think it's best for me to continue and press on with what I'm doing. See, I realized what my priorities are, and my priorities lie with my family. When I have a baby, I don't want to work full time, and after I read my friend Darla's blog this morning, I realized that I can work harder at what I'm doing now, to make it easier to stay home half the week with a baby when that time comes.. Darla said she wishes she didn't have to work full time, and if I can have that option available to me, well, I'm going to jump at it.

Ready, set....


Blogger Kiersten H. said...

Yea for coming to realizations...about tons of fun things.

5:37 PM  

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