Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I had forgotten, but no longer...

I had forgotten what it was like to be busy. No longer. Busy in a moderate sense of the word is okay with me. I like having something to do with my day - preferably something I enjoy. I do not generally enjoy sitting around and doing nothing. This is a good thing, because I will no longer have nothing to do.
I haven't written in a while, and it's because of this newfound business. I ended up switching my part time jobs last week. I gave up Starbucks for a part time gig at the office where I already work. I'm playing the part of afternoon receptionist. It's really not a bad job, and I'm getting a lot more money than Starbucks, and I get to be around the people I already enjoyed working with. I just don't get free coffee anymore!
So, to catch up to today...last week I was in the Cities for a brief 24 hour visit Thursday night and Friday. I had supervision on Friday, which was very good, as usual. Saturday my inlaws came to town for the Island Park Show, which is a very large outdoor craft show in Fargo. It's pretty much the same vendors each year, but it's not bad. I went on Saturday morning (after a latte and a lemon merangue tarte at Nicole's) and purchased a little decorative pillow for my mother and a $6.00 jar of raspberry jalepeno jam. The jam I am a little disappointed with. I made that hors d'oevres dish with cream cheese and jalepeno jam that you dip crackers in the day before I was going to serve it, and when I removed it from the refrigerator, I discovered it had turned to liquid. Not appetizing...unless you're a yellow jacket wasp in the park at our picnic on Sunday afternoon.
Let's just say the dip was a hit...with the wasps.
Oh, and one stung me right underneather my left armpit! What a strange place to be stung.
Sunday was a lot of fun, but a lot of running. Church...picnic...speaking engagement...back to picnic...over to friend's house for bro- and sis-in-law's house for pizza......home....bed at 10:30 (which is quite early for this little night owl). But, I learned a new game: Waterballoon Volleyball! Played with a large bathtowel and big waterballoons. You choose a partner, and several pairs are positioned strategically on each side of the volleyball net. You launch the balloons back and forth, and you lose, when you drop the balloon and you get soaked! It was great - I think it's my new favorite outdoor game.
I almost don't want to admit this...we also played kickball. Well, it had been so long since I'd played kickball that they had to remind me how to play it. Good grief!
Yesterday and today have been filled with work: office work, and clients. And, I'm currently sitting here while my 7:00 appointment fails to show up. What do you do? I tell you what I do now...I charge them for it. If they want to see me again, they have to pay a fee first. I've heard several therapists do this with very good results, so I'm next in line.
Speaking of clients, I'm getting new clients by the truckloads! Two more today, even. It's the right time of year - kids are back to school, the summer's over, life can begin again.
Also, I had quite an opportunity fall into my lap last week. A guy from the West Fargo Pioneer approached me about writing a faith based column for the paper concerning marriage and family. It all happened in the span of about 3 days - the column was written, pictures were taken, and it comes out tomorrow! It'll have my business line and web site there, too, so I anticipate more business from this little endeavor. It's an on-going gig - I'll do it for as long as I want...or until they ask me to stop!
I have jumped back on the diet bandwagon. So far, so good. I looked at my arse in the mirror yesterday morning and discovered I needed another time zone for it, so I decided it was time to get back to the plan. I'm trying to view it as a culinary challenge - how creative can I get with meals? So far I'm pretty proud of myself: my lunch the past two days has consisted off bibb lettuce leaves, sliced turkey, and shredded carrots. Not bad. If you've ever tried the Lettuce Wraps at Chili's, I'm doing a variation on a theme, so to speak. (And by the way, the Lettuce Wraps at Chili's are very, very good. )
Well, this hasn't been a very entertaining entry, but I feel better just having typed out my life for a while.


Blogger A-Wix said...

OK, two things: your stint at Starbucks is already over? And your counseling gig is picking up steam?

And why are you ashamed to admit you played kickball? You should start an adult kickball league in Fargo!

10:50 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Yes, I switched jobs, so Starbucks is history. And, yes, my counseling gig is picking up steam - it's that time of year.
Also, you didn't read my blog correctly - I didn't say I was ashamed to play kickball, I was ashamed that I didn't remember HOW TO PLAY kickball!!! How awful is that?!?! I literally cannot remember the last time I played kickball, and, had it not be 3 million degrees outside and had I been wearing tennis shoes, I would have had a great time!

7:33 AM  
Blogger Kiersten H. said...

Yea for things changing constantly. Yea for more clients and for being able to work with people that are enjoyable. Plus, yea for less coffee (which is not so much good for you). Heart, ~K

7:34 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Okay, so you did read my blog correctly, Mr. Wix. I went back and re-read it! I don't remember why I didn't want to admit that. But yes, it is sad that I didn't remember, don't you think? Anyway, are you still coaching the Gnarly Balls?

7:36 AM  
Blogger A-Wix said...

Of course I'm still coaching them, although I'm doing it online, mostly. I have classes on Tuesday nights now, so I miss most of the games. We're 2-1 so far this season. A bunch of rookies fighting to prove that they've got what it takes to be a member of this team.

1:22 PM  

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