Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


This post could be flavored plain. Or vanilla. Nothing too important to say today. Just felt like typing. I'm using my favorite keyboard. I'm at work, playing receptionist again. The keyboard up front is very user-friendly and I can type very fast on it.
I just ate half a bagel (the bottom half) toasted, with peanut butter. PB must be one of the world's most perfect foods. I love it. Husband hates it. I find this slightly amusing and slightly frustrating, because when I eat it, he can smell it on me and then he doesn't want to sit by me! Weirdo.
I discovered another wonderful drink at Starbucks: Blackberry Green Tea Frappuccino. Holy crap it's good. It's got blackberry drizzle on the top, too. Wow.
Knitting was last night. I actually didn't even feel like going. I think I'm in a knitting-rut. Right now I want to finish a scarf I started that will go with my new pea coat that is camel colored. The scarf is camel and purple. Two wonderful colors. Two colors I would like to have in my living room whenever we get new furniture.
I feel like being a lazy blob right now - it must be the afternoon blahs.
It is 3:15. I went to work this morning at 8:00 and left at noon. Then I started here at 1:30, and will be done at 5:00. Then Husband will come bring me dinner or take me somewhere to buy dinner, and then I will counsel from 6-9. Today's a long day. But that's okay. I just feel bad that I leave Husband all alone on Mondays and Tuesdays. He seems to be okay with it, however. Thank goodness for understanding husbands!
A woman came thru the drivethru this morning at Starbucks and had her two dachsunds with her. Their names were Peeka and Boo. How adorably cute.
Well, to be honest, I'm at a loss for words. I guess it's one of those days. Even though there's a lot on my mind, it all seems to be escaping me at the current time.


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