Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Oh, funny men...

So I was sitting at my desk yesterday and one of the men who works in our office stops and says to me, "You....look....really mature for your age."


"How old do you think I am?" I pondered.

"I know how old you are." He replied. (He does payroll, so he has birthdates, I guess). "It's a compliment." He finally concedes.

Well, considering I am 29, and that's not exactly the same as saying to an 18-year-old, "You look really mature for your age," meaning they look like they're in their 20's, which is a compliment. In this case, if I look really mature, does that mean I look 35 or 40? What the heck?!?! I suppose, however, from his point of view, which is probably 45 or 50, 29 is still quite young. Whatever.

Birthday Report:

Cake: two pieces consumed (1 DQ Ice Cream cake, and 1 lucious cheesecake covered in caramel and chocolate)

Presents: flowers from Kris, money from relatives and friends, Starbucks giftcard from friend, husband was going to give me a ticket to the Women of Faith conference in Mpls this month so that I could spend time with a high school friend who lives in Seattle, but it is sold out. He'll have to come up with something else. I'm sure I can help him out with that...

All in all, it was a very nice weekend.

And today is a lovely day, because I'm not busy at my afternoon job, which means I can catch up on all my other stuff. I love catching up. It makes me feel much less stressed.

This week I am heading to the Twin Cities on Thursday afternoon. I'm very, very excited about this, as it's been over a month since I've been there. I'm going thru withdrawal. I really have been missing it lately. Actually, I'm a little afraid that if I go, I'll be all sad again that I don't live there. Oh well.
Friday I have supervision, and that night Kris and I are going to celebrate my birthday at Cafe Latte, and do a little shopping along Grand Avenue. It should be very fun. Saturday we'll begin our day at Starbucks, our usual spot, and then probably do some more shopping. Not sure where to shop yet. Maybe Har Mar - TJMaxx and Marshalls are always good stops. :)

I feel my blog coming to an end. More later.


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