Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Large Bowls of Candy

I didn't know what else to title this post, and there happens to be a VERY large bowl of candy sitting on the desk directly in my line of vision. It's distracting. I only ate a half of one yesterday. It was a Crunch bar. Fairly plain. Eh. Then I ate half of a new Reese's Crunch Bar, which was slightly disappointing. The crunch part is very, very similar to Butterfinger, and I was hoping either for little rice thingies, like in the regular Crunch bar, or for wafers. However, it still had peanut butter and chocolate, and you just can't go wrong with that combination. Even my husband, who hates peanuts and peanut butter, and isn't wild about chocolate, eats Reese's PB Cups. Isn't that weird? I'd say it's a conundrum. (Sara, if you're reading this, that word was for you. Hee hee.)

Last night I went to Erin's house and we handed out candy and drank LOVELY homemade hot chocolate that had two different kinds of chillis in it. It was delicious. When I first arrived, it was my job to hand out the candy, but about half an hour in, Erin started coming out with me on the porch to hand out candy. She made the rather interesting observation that people must think we're lesbians! HA! I wonder if they really did...

I made a tasty new smoothie recipe today for lunch. It's a Green Tea Berry Smoothie: you brew 1 1/2 C concentrated green tea (6 tea bags for 1 1/2 C) and let it cool, add 2 C frozen berries (unsweetened), one sliced banana, and 3 T honey. Blend till smooth. It's great - you can really taste the green tea, but you can also really taste the honey, and obviously the berries and banana.

I have a new analogy for life: flushing. I realized, with the help of my hubby, that I had let all the crap from my life build up and it has been getting me down for a long time. It was time to flush. As gross as this analogy is, it's very pertinent, in my belief. Most of us tend to let things from the past build and build, until you're at maximum capacity and can't function anymore. You feel stuck and plugged. So, you need to flush! HA! GROSS!

Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent of praiseworthy - think about such things." I think this verse put into practice could do a lot to alleviate a lot of our stress and depression and anxiety.

So, I've been examining expectations a lot lately. After "flushing," I kind of have an "I don't care" mentality. At least today I do. I used to want to save the world. Now, I realize that I can touch people's lives, but that doesn't have to be in any specific way, through any specific medium. And I can be happy with that. I can even be relieved with that. Saving the world is a big burden!

I have aqua aerobics tonight. After gaining approximately 10 pounds since August, I'm not all that fond of donning a bathing suit. However, if I want to lose those 10 pounds, I need to do it and get in the stupid pool. At least, when you're in the pool, nobody can see your pudge jiggling around! There's only like, 2 skinny people in the class, anyway.

Well, this has been a post of randomness. Kind of how I feel today.
Au Revoir.


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