Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Monday, December 04, 2006

I hesitate to write today... I am unusually crabby, and my stomach hurts. But that's not anything out of the ordinary...that's an everyday occurrence. My stomach hurting, that is. I'm rarely crabby.

It's been two whole weeks since I've written. Lots of things have happened and I guess that makes for a lot of grist for the blog mill, so to speak.

Well, let's see. Thanksgiving has come and gone since my last post. My Thanksgiving was boring, to say the least. We left Fargo on Wednesday night and went to my in-law's house till Saturday night. Read: lots of sitting around and sleeping for Heather, lots of hunting for Chris. I hate going to my in law's house. There are several reasons: 1) my mother in-law rarely cleans her toilet before we come, which grosses me out more than I can ever say; 2) their house makes me sneeze because there are deer heads in the living room and I'm allergic to deer hair (!); 3) I never have anything to do because my husband leaves me all alone in the house with his mother while he and his father go hunting (I'm invited to go hunting, and I'll go once per visit, maybe, however, hunting is not high up there on my list of favorite things to do); 4) it's impossible to eat healthy while I'm there, and their drinking water is HORRIBLE; 5) my mother in-law makes awful stuffing (I bring this up, because my mother makes awesome stuffing - something I look forward to each year.); 5) I was made to butcher a deer. Enough said.

The weekend wasn't entirely lost, however. I did get A LOT of knitting afghan is several inches longer than it was before I left. And, I wrote a cover letter and resume for my husband, which is always a very time consuming project - I figured that since I had an overabundance of time I could do that for him.

The next interesting thing that happened was that I began to undergo acupuncture. This is a very strange event. To have someone jab very small needles into your body in various places is somewhat disconcerting. I've had it done three times now, and I think it gets worse each time! The first time he put needles in my hands and forearms, by my knees and ankles. The second time he added needles to my neck and my feet (alarming fact: he punctured a vessel in my foot and now I have a bruise on my foot from the needle...). This morning he didn't do the neck, but put one in the middle of my abdomen, and one in each ear - boy did that feel weird. He told me the first time that my stomach would probably make all sorts of gurgly noises, and sure enough, it did! He also hooks me up to a small electrical current in order to speed up the process. So far I haven't felt any benefits, but I also didn't stick to the diet he told me to - I have to cut out all chocolate, coffee, pop, and alcohol. Now, I don't drink much pop or alcohol, but the chocolate and coffee really got me. So, he said if I can just go cold turkey for the next two weeks, I should see the process working more effectively.

Other than that, life has remained much the same, even given the fact I had a job interview last week. The interview went quite well, I thought, but I'm just not sure it's the position I really want. There's another one I'm waiting to hear from, but it's taking an incredibly long time, and with my luck, I won't even get an interview (do you hear the crabbiness coming out there?). Husband is still dying to find another job, but there wasn't even anything to apply for in the paper yesterday. He's really got limited options here in good old F...argo. (Oooohhh, another nip of crabbiness!) At this point, I'm really struggling at not blaming God for not helping the situation. My poor husband has been in this job he deplores for a year and a half. His back hurts every single day from the combination of driving endless hours and wearing a 25 pound tool belt around his waist. He gets no vacation hours, so when we take off for the holidays we just forfeit money. He gets no reimbursement for the $500+ we spend in gas every month so he can do his job. In July it was $800. October of 2005 was $1,100. Now they're telling him that the company is making the techs work Sundays. He said flatly, "No." He already works every single Saturday. I feel so bad for him. I wish I made a load of money so he could just quit. If I sound like I'm complaining, well, I am. It really sucks. I really need to stop here or I'm going to start my own pity party right in the middle of my blog. And no one likes to go to a pity party. And, I guess I really shouldn't blame God, because maybe he is helping the situation, and if he weren't, we'd be living under a bridge. Who knows?

Crabby, crabby, crabby.

I better go before I write something I regret!


Blogger Kiersten H. said...

Yea for getting more of the afghan (is that how you spell it?) done, but boo for having occupational problems. I'm here if you ever need to talk.

9:01 PM  

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