Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Friday, February 16, 2007

A Veritable Cornucopia of Useless Information

The title refers to my high school French teacher, who once told us that's what his friends called him. I like the words veritable and cornucopia, so I decided I like the title.

It's been a good week. I had some good therapy clients this week, and was busier at my other job, which is a nice change. It's been SO boring lately...there's been very little to do. The week before, I think I may have done 2 or 3 hours of ACTUAL work, out of 24 hours that I was here. Oh well. What can a girl do? So, it's nice to have been busier.

I just signed up and paid my $675 for a training workshop in Chicago that I'm attending in March. Luckily I have frequent flier miles so my plane ticket will be free. The only thing I'm hesitant about concerning this training is actually GETTING there. I'm a horrible flier. I used to have to take tranquillizers! Not cool. They didn't even help that much. And do you know what's funny? I'm always worse on the way home than I am on the way there. And what's even more funny? I LOVE to travel. I would vacation all the time if I had the money. It's just the plane stuff that I hate, but I must get over my fear, because I refuse to allow fear to dictate my life!

I Tivo'd Oprah from Monday. I'm sure many of you know what she was talking about. She had this woman from New Zealand who created this new DVD called, "The Secret," and several of her cronies were with her. The message of The Secret has to do with the Law of Attraction, which I don't know a ton about, but I understand that we all have an energy, so to speak, that we emit, and because of this energy (it can be the expression on our face, the things we say, our posture, etc.) we attract certain things to us. Take myself for example. I've been kind of Eeyore-ish lately. The cloud is always following me around. Well, that's what I've been getting out of life - clouds. After watching this show, I actually decided to change my attitude, which has always been a problem for me, from conception, and you know something interesting? I got a job interview today! And it's for something that I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, and I could tell the woman was SUPER pumped about interviewing me. She even complimented my column that I write for the West Fargo paper. Now, I'm not saying that it was the power of positive thinking that got me the interview, but I do think it was a funny coincidence. Of course, the people from The Secret would say there is no such thing as coincidence. Basically this isn't a new message - I've heard it before in singles books - you attract what you project (if you're happy, you attract happy people, if you're critical, you attract critical people, etc.) Before I get a barrage of my Christian friends telling me I'm crazy, let me say this: I think what they're saying has a lot of validity to it. They, however, have taken it a little to the extreme, and one guy has basically made a religion out of it (Dr. Reverend Michael Beckwith, to be precise). Anyway, I think it does have some good points to make and it gave me the little kick in the pants that I needed! So, I'm glad for that.

I also found out today that I must regroup and rethink my dieting/fitness plan. I have gained yet another 3 pounds, and I am now only 4 pounds from my ALL TIME HIGHEST weight. I am NOT pleased. The funny thing is, I'm not eating any more than I ever have, so I'm afraid it's a combination of lack of exercise and some meds I'm on. That said, I'm starting belly dancing next week! I'm pretty excited about that. I discovered that dancing is good exercise a few weeks ago when we went salsa dancing and I figure if I can sweat while enjoying myself, and not hating every moment of the exercise I'm doing, then I'm going to go for it!

Well, it is time to go home. We are having friends over for dinner tonight, and I must go to the grocery store (Hornbacher's! HA! I think that name is hilarious!) and get the fixin's!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good for you.

and i also agree, there is something to the secret. it has to do with the types of beings, i believe, we were created to be. more spiritual than physical. i hit upon it in communicating with zaavan. as he does not speak nor have the capacity for sign language, i have had to learn how to communicate with him spirit to spirit. it has done wonders for my prayer life to learn this. (as i believe this "energy" is god's true language) not to mention interpersonal relationships with friends, and more importantly, strangers.

and i admire your forthrightness in standing up for something you have experienced to be true. kudos.

9:31 AM  

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