Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Let the Games Begin!

Here I am! It's been over a week since I've written, and I didn't even notice the time go by! It's so new and strange to be working full time again! And actually, I'm working more than full time...let's see, probably 45 hours, which isn't terrible. I'm having to adjust my regular daily activities - I was cooking at 11:00 pm last night so that I'd have lunch today! Haven't gotten home before 10 pm the past two nights, but the late nights were because of social outings, rather than work. I'm glad to be productive and busy again. It feels good. It's too bad that my poor hubby is sitting at home, unemployed, for the time being.

Let's see...last night we went to Kevin and Danae's apartment for supper and to watch American Idol. I missed the first three contesants - I was sad to miss Lakisha. Anyway, I really wished I had missed Sanjaya. He's just RIDICULOUS! I'm embarassed for him! The hair last night was abominable, and his performance was SO high school talent show that he shouldn't even be there at all. It's really amazing that he did so well in the early parts of the competition, yet is failing so miserably now. It's just ridiculous. I can just see him winning, however, and then some poor record company has to give him a record deal, and nobody buys it. I sure as heck won't!

Monday night was knitting with Erin and Kiersten. We had a really good conversation about relationship with God and devotional lives and prayer and church and, and, was good. Sometimes it's just good to bounce your thoughts and frustrations and struggles around with other people, and it seems that since we've left the Seminary, we haven't had as much of a chance to do that, which is probably only to be expected. Sometimes you just need a perspective.

Tonight is Belly Dancing, which I really enjoy, but would rather stay home tonight, since I've been gone so much already this week.

We're trying to make decisions about jobs and businesses and life and all that crap. Husband has been offered a job at NDSU, but it pays crap, and there's no room for advancement or raises, because it's all grant monies. And if he took it, and we signed me up for benefits with the University, we'd be paying another $5,000 for me to have insurance, which brings his salary down to about $10 per hour. Not good. And I just can't see taking the job just because it's a job and it's there. I guess I'm not one to go do just anything for the sake of doing something. Maybe that's wrong, but that's how I am. He's going to be checking the business opportunity out in more detail Friday, so I think he'll be able to make a better decision about all of this once he has more info on the business opp. I guess the bottom line for me is this: For once in my life, I'd like to get ahead! The job at NDSU just won't allow us to do that. But the risks we'd take with starting a business are scary. I just don't know.

Some evil person brought springtime cupcakes to work today. They've got the green colored coconut on top with three jelly bean eggs. Yum.

I don't think my email is working. I haven't received an email in about 5 hours, and that's really strange. I can't remember going more than a couple hours without receiving email! That's right - I'm an addict. It's true.

It's a rainy, windy, cold day here in Fargo today. Not much enjoying that. Soaked my pant legs walking around this morning.

All for now. Over and out.


Blogger Kiersten H. said...

You make me laugh sometimes. I'm glad we had such a great conversation at knitting as well. Plus, I'm REALLY glad you spelled my name right. That just about makes my day. Seriously, though. You're thinking about starting a business?

11:53 AM  

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