Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Monday, April 23, 2007

I had the best weekend...

Seriously. It was awesome. And the best part? I didn't really even do anything. Friday night Chris and I just putzed around the house, and I got in a couple episodes of What Not to Wear. Saturday we slept in, which was glorious, of course. I was so tired on Friday night that I couldn't even fall asleep right away. Don't you hate that? But Saturday was great - we lounged around, I ran some errands, we went to a couple really crappy garage sales in the afternoon, and I got groceries. Hornbacher's had strawberries on sale 2/$2.98, which is almost unheard of, so I picked up 4 cartons of those, and went home and made strawberry shortcake! YUM! We also went to see "Wild Hogs" at the theater. That was pretty funny. Strange, but funny.

Sunday was church, and that was strange, too. I feel like I'm an alien with that group of people. It's like, I walk in the room, and they're like, "who is this strange creature?" I brought Chocolate Babka to Sunday School and they were all curious as to what this strange and exotic bread was all about, apparently some had even googled it, which I thought was hilarious. Somedays I'd like to quit church. Anyway...

We took naps on Sunday afternoon, I went shopping and bought a couple pairs of jeans that actually fit me (I can NEVER find jeans that fit...EVER...and since Chris just put one of my TWO pairs that actually fit me in the dryer, I was down to one pair. I couldn't believe they shrank that much.). We had a very yummy homemade pizza for supper and putzed around some more. Took some junk to the garage, cleaned out the coat closet, cleaned the kitchen. I got in a couple more episodes of What Not to Wear. I'm so addicted to that show. I was saying to the receptionist this morning at work, "So I love What Not to Wear. I even have a friend who basically does that for a living in Seattle. It looks like SO much fun. I'd love to do that, not that I'm the latest authority on what to wear, but it looks like a blast. But, what vocation do I choose??? Abstinence education and counseling. People getting STD's and having affairs and getting divorces. GROSS! How NOT fun is that?" Very not fun. Granted, I love abstinence education, but some of the stuff I have to read...boy, makes me never want to have children... Anyway, I digress.

But you know what the best part of the weekend was? On Sunday night, I wasn't DREADING going back to work on Monday. I love my new job, and that makes me happy. It's a wonderful, wonderful blessing to be able to go to bed on Sunday night and not lie there thinking, "I hope the morning never comes!" (Or at least comes really late.)

I think I have several more weekends of delicious relaxation coming up in the next few weeks. Although, apparently this is the time of year for all the babies that are being made right now to come out of their ovens, because there are baby showers galore! I had one last weekend in the Cities, I have one this coming weekend at church (baby already out of his oven), and one on the 12th (baby still baking). And the funny thing is that they're all boys! So, what this means is that I'm having a lot of fun going shopping for the presents. I bought my first shower gift recipient a Boppy and two newborn gowns. I haven't shopped yet for shower gift recipient #2, but she's registered at Target. I was going to buy something really COOL for shower gift recipient #3, but someone bought it the same day I was going to buy it, darnit! Oh well, there will be plenty for me to buy yet.

Well, this is a lot of rambling about absolutely nothing. Maybe I'll ramble some more. I like rambling. Rambling clears the head. Keeps the thought-process de-constipated. I guess....

Tonight I'm going to be knitting with my knitting friends (they used to be church friends, but then we switched churches, so now they're knitting friends). I'm looking forward to that. There's always good, or at least interesting, conversation with this group. I enjoy that very much. They are definitely the most interesting group of women that I know. I like that. It keeps me on my toes.

I ran out of work to do about 30 minutes ago. I still have to sit here for another hour and 49 minutes. I'm so sick of data-entry, I could puke. Puke, puke, puke. I remember, when I was a kid, I had this book about a girl with a learning disorder and she was mad one day, so she went to her elementary school and wrote, "School makes me puk!" (Sans the "e.") So the next day, everyone knew she'd done it, and they were all going around mocking her by saying, "Puk, puk, a duck puk." I don't have the foggiest notion of why that just popped into mind. I used to say that sometimes, though, "Puk, puk, a duck puk..." Kind of fun to say.

I'm trying to sell some stuff on ebay. I've never done this before. It's interesting. So far, nothing's happened. But I realized last night that I didn't put a description on half of my stuff, so that's not helpful. I've only got a day or two left on the auction time, or whatever it's called, so I hope they let me list it again.

Well, I think I have reached the end of my rambling. I'm going to go check out my ebay items. Maybe something was bid on today!


Blogger Kiersten H. said...

I hope the e-bay items are doing well...and yea for getting strawberries for cheap-ish...and yea for baby showers (they're about the funnest things to buy stuff for) and I know exactly what you mean about crappy garage sales. Yea for relaxing weekends and I hope the hubby's doing well.

10:29 AM  

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