Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Happy, Happy Thursday

Today is Thursday and I'm leaving work early today. My friend Cass's birthday celebration at work (my old office) is this afternoon and I'm going to stop by and share in the festivities. She'll be 27. 27 was my favorite year so far.

This has been a good week. Monday afternoon was yarn shopping at our local yarn store which happens to be going out of business - sad. Then my Naughty Knitty friends and I had a potluck supper, which was fabulous, and proceded to watch Aeon Flux whilst we knitted. Good times. I really liked that movie, even though I'm not sure I understood everything. I also discovered that I'd made a mistake on the sweater I'm knitting, so most of the evening was spent frogging the mistake and figuring out how to make it better.

Tuesday wasn't particularly eventful. I don't even remember much about it.

Wednesday was a very good informal interview supper for hubby. This is very pleasing. He looked so cute - I bought him a new polo shirt that's got big brown and blue horizontal stripes, and he's tan and he just looked so cute! Then I went to Bible study and talked about God the Judge. That was good, too.

Today I couldn't get out of bed.

Tomorrow I have to work on my day off, but at least I'll get fed while I work. And when I say "work," I mean, sit in a strategic planning meeting. Those are a little difficult to sit through when you're still a very new employee and you're not sure how everything goes.

I got a flier from Bethel Sem on Monday, advertising some new certificate programs that they're going to be offering in the next year. One of them is Sexuality, Wholeness, and Community. I'm seriously considering taking it. It's 6 classes, one at a time for 18 months. Most of it can be done at a distance, although I would have to spend 1 week on campus, 4 different times during these 18 months. That's not so bad, but I'd rather use my vacation days for something else! Maybe we can work something out.

I just heard one of my coworkers say, "I think I'm leaving."

Me too! Me too!!!


Blogger Kiersten H. said...

You're extremely funny. And, I love Aeon Flux as well...and although I've watched it several times, I'm pretty sure I still don't understand it all. Very weird, weird movie, but oh-so-intriguing...and such a cute love lots of killing which, of course, I love. End.

9:40 PM  

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