Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Continued Craziness

Since The Migraine last Tuesday (and actually since the Sunday before it), I have not had any caffeine. I'm pretty proud of this hurdle I have crossed. I still love my coffee, but now if I want it, I'll have it in decaf form. I realize there may be as much as 2% of the caffeine left in the beans, but I'm okay with 2%. That's not much. I've been drinking more iced green tea, which also has a tiny amount of caffeine, but again, not concerned.

Last Friday morning I headed down to the Cities, expecting to have a fantabulous weekend with my friend, Kris. And I did. It was a great weekend, overall, but God was doing something in my heart while I was there. Chris and I have been struggling over where to live. He's been applying for youth pastor jobs in other places and states. I thought for sure we'd end up back in the Cities, even though Chris didn't want to go there, cause, you know, that's how loving of a wife I am. Isn't the definition of love "self-preserving?" Oh, I guess I read that wrong, it's "self-sacrificing." Anyway, I was convicted that we need to pay attention to the important things in life - being able to AFFORD a house to raise our children in with the thought in mind that I might be able to stay home either full or part time. Plus, I DO love my job here. Anyway, I'm not 100% convinced that Fargo is IT for the rest of our lives, but for now, here we are.

So, a recap of my weekend: Friday included a short stroll at Lake Calhoun until Kris overheated and we needed to turn back - it was quite hot that day with no breeze; we also stopped at a vintage clothing store in Uptown, whose name I can't quite recall (it was something like Valia's Vintage Clothing) and from there we went directly to Sebastian Joe's Ice Cream where we were served our respective favorite iced creams by a very rude adult employee. From Uptown to meandered south to the Mall of America where I found a plethora of fabulous clothing at H&M.

Saturday morning consisted of a trip to the Minneapolis Farmer's Market - one of my favorite places in the Cities - where I partook of a cinnamon roll the size of my head, purchased 3 clamshells of blueberries for $5, one clamshell of cherries for $3, and a beautiful indoor strawberry plant for $11.00. It was a very prosperous trip. After we took our look back to Kris' house for refrigeration, we headed down to Roseville to the good old Har Mar Mall, where we hit Marshall's, where I found the most amazing brown dress with large white polka dots, and TJMaxx. We also went to my favorite restaurant, Biaggi's, in Maple Grove for supper where I dined upon Fettuccini with Lobster. It was supposed to be black fettuccini noodles (the waitress said the noodles are colored with squid ink, and does not change the flavor) but they were out of the black noodles, and I had to settle for the plain ones. We also stopped by Trader Joe's, since I'd heard so many good things about that place. I expected it to be a lot bigger than it was. We hit Target on the way home, and both found a couple pairs of shoes. When we got home, we took the dog for a walk.

Sunday morning was breakfast at Panera, a quick stop at Half Price Books, and then Kris and I parted ways. I headed down to Rosedale, for my hair appointment, did a little shopping, and found myself a new hair style. I love it. I love my hair now. I did not love it before. I'm very pleased with this. My hair stylist at Rosedale is the BEST. I also ran into a seminary friend in Borders after my hair cut, so we chatted for almost an hour, and that was fun. I like running into people randomly.

As soon as I arrived back at home in Fargo, I unloaded my loot and headed to Julie and Aaron's for a small group gathering. We played a game, had a fantastic dessert and called it a night.

So, once again, my weekend escapes me. But it was good. This weekend will be interesting to say the least. We are heading to the in-law's to help them re-roof and paint their house.

It's a beautiful evening outside. I should go for a walk. I'll do that after Bible Study tonight.


Blogger Kiersten H. said...

Yea for having a great time with Kris. Yea for good friends. Plus, what is M&H...H&M...Whatever. Plus (again), I almost went into TJMaxx the other day because you talk about it so much...but I couldn't bring myself to do it. End.

2:16 PM  

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