Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday Nothingness

Monday Nothingness
Today is Monday. It's a pretty good Monday. Today, my hubby turns 32! Happy Birthday, Hubby! I think we're going to Buffalo Wild Wings tonight to celebrate and I made him a chocolate cake with Bailey's Irish Cream Buttercreme Frosting. YUM!

So, so, so many things have been happening in the last few weeks! It's been so good.First, Chris has been asked to "candidate" at a church for a youth pastor position. This will take place on August 18th & 19th. I'm sad we have to wait 3 weeks for this to take place, but time will go quickly, I think. We're both very excited about this - we would move there, and the houses are cheaper and it's such a quaint little community. Can't wait!

Second, I have re-discovered the root of my stomach problems, which makes me sound like an old fart, but literally, my stomach hurts almost 24 hours a day. I was so sick of it that I went back to the clinic's website where I used to go in the Cities, and was reminded how I haven't been following the food guidelines outlined there for my particular ailments. So, I'm altering my diet drastically, and things have been much better since doing so! I'm so glad...I don't know why I was so stupid about what I was eating. I guess I still have that teenage mentality that I'm impervious to physical maladies!

I also discovered the root of my health insurance issues and have hopefully corrected this - which makes me more happy than it really should make a person. Insurance is such a crazy thing - all these policies and paperwork and details. I'm just so glad to have it (hopefully) straightened out!!! WOO HOO!

On a slightly sadder note, I have discovered that the end talbes that I really, really wanted from Bed, Bath, & Beyond are no longer in stock and probably will not come back in stock!!! I'm so ticked! If I'd gone the first day of the sale, I would not be in this pickle! However, there is a silver lining - they offer the same little tables UNFINISHED, so, technically, we could buy the little guys and just stain them.I had an incredible weekend. It was so fun and relaxing.

Friday I took advantage of TJMaxx's current clearance sale and found several items of clothing that I love. My favorite find was a Juicy Couture sweatshirt for $24.99. It's pink and has pink chiffon coming out the sleeves, and gorgeous embroidery on the whole back of the shirt. I love it, and consider it the find of the summer. I also bought a really big letter "B" for our wall! It's really cool - probably 20" tall, black and is currently living above our front door. Love it. Friday night we went to Thunder Road or Thunder Alley or whatever the mini-golf place is called in town here. We went with our friends from church for a going away party for Kevin and Danae. They officially moved to Montana on Saturday. I say "officially," because Danae has been there for 3 weeks, and Kevin's been there for 2, but they just now packed up all their stuff and left us. They bought a huge house in Glendive, their hometown. Anyway, we mini-golfed, and I got TWO HOLES IN ONE!!!!!!!! I've never gotten a hole in one in my life! Then, Trish and Cally and I went on the bumper cars, which were so much newer and cooler than the bumper cars were in my day - they had huge inner tubes around the outside where you bumped each other. So fun. I had blast. And the rest of the group rode the go-karts. We went back to Katie and Aaron's for snacks and dessert. It was a fun night.

Saturday was packing and in the afternoon, I got about 100 pages of Harry Potter and the Dealthy Hallows behind me. Saturday night we went to a play at Trollwood - "Thoroughly Modern Millie." It was absolutely fabulous! It was high school students performing and I thought they were better than the musical I'd seen at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater! It was so fun. Sunday we went to church at the church Chris is candidating at. We loved it - it was so affirming to realize that the church where he might get hired is a really good church that we both really liked. The rest of the day I spent reading more Harry Potter - got another 100 pages done. I also baked Chris' cake, and made some Almond Tea.

I also found out something slightly disturbing. Apparently the trees in North Fargo are infested with aphids and when you park under them you always get little tiny sticky spots, which I always thought were sap. Trish, however, told us that those little sticky spots are aphid poop. So, as we were sitting outside under the trees at Trollwood, watching the musical, you could see the little drops of aphid poop landing on you - good times!

My parents are coming to town on Thursday. I have to rearrange my schedule a little, but it shouldn't be a problem. They were going to come the weekend Chris is candidating, so we had to reschedule.

A week from Wednesday, I leave for Denver. Another conference. Should be good. I guess.

I believe this brings me to the end of my ramblings.


Blogger Kiersten H. said...

That's some fun [gross] times about aphid poo. Ewie...but interesting to know, as I always thought it was sap as well. I'm excited for Chris' new potential job. Very exciting indeed. Thanks so much for the delicious cake. It just about made my day! I've had a head-hurt for almost two straight days which is no fun, but I'm pretty sure it's dwindling. Plus, I have two cats laying on either side of me. Cute! And in regards to puking my guts out, I think my stomach has decided that Tropical Punch Kool Aid (my old favorite flavor) is no longer the "cool thing to drink." Boo stomach with that dumb mind of it's own. Gosh, do I sound as crazy as I think I do?

6:05 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

You're freaking hilarious! May I just say that for the entirety of my life, Tropical Punch has been my LEAST favorite flavor of beverage, out of all the beverages in the world. I think I'd rather drink beer than Tropical Punch and we all know how much I love fact, I'm not sure I've ever tasted beer. I must not be American...

12:22 PM  
Blogger Kiersten H. said...

If it makes you feel any better, I've never tasted beer either. I'm impressed with myself that I've been able to stomach as many alcoholic beverages as I've I feel it's ridiculous to put something into your mouth that smells like fly dung (or some equivalent). And, Dana's not a fan (at all) of TP Kool-Aid was definitely a favorite for a phase!!!

7:58 PM  

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