Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Wonderful Thing

I spent over 2 hours on Sunday afternoon cleaning my kitchen. And I mean really cleaning it. I cleared off counter space, and rearranged my myriad small kitchen appliances. And it's still clean today. That pleases me greatly.

Then tonight, I was able to clean my hardwood floors with Murphy's Oil Soap, and get some sticky spots cleaned off the floor with Goo Gone. It was a delightful evening.

Also, I am already planning my Thanksgiving menu, as both my parents and my in-laws are coming for Thanksgiving supper. Yes, we're having supper, instead of lunch. Chris wants to deep fry a turkey, so I'm putting him in charge of that. Then I'm going to make fresh cranberry salad, a ridiculously buttery and sugary sweet potato deliciousness, possibly some corn bread muffins, and my mother is making her ab-fab dressing. For dessert, la piece de resistance: pumpkin meringue pie. I might also make an apple cheesecake situation, just for the fun of it. I was also toying with the idea of a pumpkin bread truffle cup, which I may still try. It'll be a great meal.

On other newsy items, I had an endoscopy this morning. They wanted to make sure I wasn't developing esophageal cancer, since I've had acid reflux for so long (almost 7 years). I've had an endoscopy before, and this one was even less eventful than the last. The only thing I remember is being rolled in to the room, being told to turn on my side, having them put an oxygen tube thing on my face and a thing in my mouth to keep it open during the procedure. Then, the room started to wiggle and wobble, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up in a little curtained recovery area. It was kind of cool - a really good nap! The worst thing was the nurse trying to get the dang IV in my hand - I thought she was never going to stop DIGGING in my hand. It hurt like mad. Finally the nurse anesthetist took over and put it near my wrist. She said, "Okay, now scream when I count to 3 - 1, 2, AHHHHHHHHH!" Actually, she made more noise than I did. It hurt, but not as much as the first nurse digging in the back of my hand! The good news? My esophagus looked great. The bad news? They found a bunch of polyps in my stomach. They took biopsies and I have to go back next month for a followup appointment. The doctor said (in an Indian accent, "They are usually of no consequence." :)

I also took a 2 1/2 hour nap when we got home this afternoon and felt like poo upon waking. Having had to skip my usual morning latte, I made one this afternoon around 4:00. I do hope I'll be able to sleep tonight....

So, I have a clean kitchen, clean floors, and a clean esophagus. Life is good.