Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Dentist

So today was a surprise visit to the dentist. I say "surprise" because my actual appointment was for a week from tomorrow, but they called (at 1:35) to say they had a cancellation at 2:00. Of course, I was still in my pajamas and was busy doing housework and hadn't bothered to do my hair or makeup! So, I made a mad dash to get ready and headed to the dentist's office!
When I got there, the first thing I noticed was that they'd done a nice job painting and the receptionist's area was purple with metallic gold overlay! Pretty funky. Then I was in for all sorts of new experiences - a panoramic x-ray of my whole mouth, ultrasonic teeth cleaner gadget, and strawberry flavored flouride!
My new dentist's first name is Byron, which I find amusing. But, he's a very nice older gentleman who took the time to explain to me that the last dentist I had, who told me my front teeth looked like a 65-year-old's teeth because of the wear, was a little off his rocker, thank goodness!
All in all, it was a good visit. I'm weird, I like going to the dentist. And, the good news is that even though it's been 3 years since I've been to the dentist (I know, I know) I only had one tiny cavity!
All this made me think of how lucky we are in our sophisticated society to have all this technology available to help us have good oral hygiene. Just think back to only 100 years ago, or even back to biblical times. None of this stuff existed, and people probably had mouth rot! Wouldn't that be horrible to live with?!!? We are spoiled!
On to bigger and better subjects...
It is 74 degrees outside in the grand city of Fargo today! It's absolutely fabulous. I had the windows open in the car with the radio on and my hair blowing in the breeze. Heaven. It could stay like this for the rest of the year and I'd be just fine with it.
And in other news...
My mother-in-law called to ask if I wanted her to bring store bought pies to Easter Sunday. I politely declined. I have issues with store bought pies. See, I have the world's best pie crust recipe, thanks to my mother's first job in Des Moines where she met a little cleaning lady who gave her this recipe, and if we're going to have pie, we're going to have GOOD pie, homemade pie. And, of course, all this said, I've decided to go with a pie that takes a graham cracker crust. Go figure.


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