Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Last night my brother- and sister-in-law came over and brought their 7 month old baby, Jaden, with them. It was fun - I got to hold him for quite a while, since he was happy and had a full tummy! He would grab my hair and tug and grab my nose with a really slobbery hand, but it was so fun, even if my nose was slobbered on! He would stand on my lap and twirl around in circles, probably so he could see everything going on. He's teething and tried to put my finger in his mouth to chomp on - Liz quickly warned me that his teeth are sharp!

So, of course, I got baby fever... I ended up having a dream that someone gave me their baby to take care of, and I had to go to Target to get all the things I needed to take care of him - diapers, wipes, bottles, blankets, food, etc. The whole time, I was holding the baby in my arms, and I didn't have a cart or a stroller, so I was trying to hold all my purchases in my arms as well, and it didn't work very well! Then, I got up to the register to pay, and I didn't have enough money. Needless to say, I think I have some reservations about having children right now. The dream was living proof!

Dreams are so strange. They're so real and life-like, yet when you wake up, you often forget them immediately. When I was in high school and college I used to have nightmares. Once, my freshman year of college, I had such a terrible nightmare, I had to call my parents at 2:00 am because I was SO freaked out! Luckily I have understanding parents. However, I took a walk down the hall to get a drink, and found one of the girls from my hall still awake. She said someone was playing with a ouija board. She attributed my nightmare with that! I freaked out even more, needless to say...

Sometimes I have dreams that I kissing that aren't my husband! When I told my husband I had one of those dreams, he was quite offended, so I don't tell him those anymore...
I've been having quite a few high school dreams over the past 4 or 5 months. High school was a good and bad time for me, like most people. These dreams are usually quite anxiety provoking! I believe I'm having them because my 10 year class reunion is this summer, much to my chagrin. I still don't want to see those people. I think I shall not go!

My dad always told me that dreams are what keep us sane. Maybe this is true, but most of the time mine give me more distress than sanity!

Today I'm having a craving for an iced caramel macchiato from Starbucks. I think I'll take my Bible there this afternoon and do some reading.

If you're looking for a great CD to listen to, I suggest Shane and Shane's "Psalms." It's great Biblical lyrics set to awesome guitar. Their voices are also very good together. It would go well with a caramel macchiato!


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