Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Friday, April 14, 2006


My in-laws are staying with us this weekend. And next weekend. And two weeks after that.

I think I'm going to rent a hotel room.

Now, before you start jumping to conclusions, let me just say that my in laws are good people, with good hearts, and who love their children and their children's spouses. They've been very good to us, so truly I can't complain.

Now you can jump to conclusions.

I don't have a "meddling mother in law," I have a mother in law who gives us a play-by-play of her inner thought life. Sometimes she talks and truly no one is listening. It's almost amusing. Then there's her sister, who is always with them, who is older, and starting to show her age. Between the two of them they complain more than a whole nursing home full of old people!

Then there's my dear father in law, who gets to haul these two decrepit women around. He just does his job, the silent partner, so to speak. When he gets a chance to talk he tells hunting stories, most of which are quite entertaining. He's a good ol' boy.

Now, since I get to complain about my in laws, I'll give voice to my husband's thoughts about my parents. My parents have one child - me. They love me more than life itself, and they go out of their way to please me and make me happy, which is very suspect to my husband, the middle child. My mother is a people pleaser and has low self esteem, and husband blames this on my father, who is constantly picking on my mother. It's their own special banter. Husband does not appreciate this. I can understand.

So, when all is said and done, we both have our share of woes with our inlaws, but isn't that how it goes? I think there are few people who actually enjoy the other side of the family. I do think we need to get over this before there are children in the picture, however. I grew up with my father always badmouthing my maternal grandfather, so much that to this day, I still call him "your dad" when I'm talking to my mom about him. He's never been a grandfather to me, although he did teach me how to throw a softball correctly. That was our one bonding moment in life, I guess.

So, if you're out there, and you have really super great inlaws, I want to hear about it! What's your secret!?!?!
And husband, if you're reading this, I love you.


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