Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It's a Good Thing

Like Martha Stewart...

So far my Good Things today have been my Bible Study this morning, which taught me about how to go through suffering in a godly way, by examining the life of Joseph. He had a lot of suffering in his life, and it was all for following God, and God allowed it to happen to him, but God also never left him and prospered him the whole time he was suffering. One thing that really stuck out at me that my leader mentioned was this thought: "Wasted suffering is the worst place to be." Meaning, letting a bad attitude, doubt, anger, depression, misery, and any other wrongful emotion take the place of letting God transform your life. What a good lesson for me to learn. I think this week's study was written specifically for me.

The second Good Thing that happened today was that I went to Starbucks and had one of their Light Frappuccino's and it was very good. Hee hee.

The third Good Thing was that I had leftover chicken stirfry from last night for lunch, and it was tasty. It had broccoli, onions, red peppers, snow peas, and almonds in it. Scrumptious.

A Good Thing happened last night, too. My husband and I had a good, sincere discussion about our relationship. It was LONG overdue. It's amazing how you can let the days slip away without having one meaningful conversation...yeah, and I'm a marriage therapist... Go figure.

I'm also starting a new project. Ever since I became a Christian, I've wanted to go out there and "change the world." Well, so far, I've not done this. At least not in the capacity I have in mind. I've always wanted to write a book, or go on the speaking circuit, or write curriculum for schools or something. I've decided that it's time to figure out what to do. God has gifted me with time and an excellent education, and I'm wasting it by doing very little with it. So here are some of my ideas:

Sex education curriculum
A book entitled, "Christians, it's time to grow up!"
Some sort of material focused on the sacredness of sex in marriage and why so many people have affairs
Intentional Living
Children's books about the purpose/meaning of being alive
Premarital Remarital resources

So, we'll see what happens. It's going to take some time to figure out where my input is needed most. I just see such despair and depravity in the world, and in Christian lives. It's really sad. We're not living by the Bible and secular culture is invading our brains like never before and we don't have a Biblical foot to stand on. Reading and studying the Bible is SO important! It's a Good Thing, too!


Blogger Erin said...

I like the idea of the kids' book about the purpose of life a lot. That's a great idea. They are all great ideas.

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there walted milk. now that i've found you, i have to go to work. but it is exceptionally good to hear from you again. we will do a little reconnecting if you are not above it. thanks for stopping by and feel free to participate in the bible study if you feel so lead.

much love. jON

8:14 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Excellent, Jon. I think I will partake of the Bible study. I would love to reconnect! It was really strange how I came across your blog, but it all started with Dan Lukas's blog. Doesn't everything start with Dan Lukas? :) I miss you guys! Feel free to email me at heatherbjur at yahoo dot com.

6:04 PM  

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