Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Quips, Quotes, and Men in Skirts....Again....

The weekend was a mix of fun and, you guessed it, in-laws. But I'll save them for later.
Saturday morning I hosted brunch for my girlfriends, Erin, Dana, and Kiersten. We had fresh fruit, mini-cinnamon muffins, little quiches, homemade granola, and yogurt. I made coffee and lattes for those desiring them. It was fabulous. Erin brought me tulips from her flowerbed - and she didn't even know they're my favorite flower! They're still going strong today. They're yellow, red, and yellow and red, if that makes sense! I love mornings with good friends, good food, and flowers - you can't beat it!
Then Husband and I went garage saling, where he found a holster type thing to hang on the garage wall to support his fishing poles. I found nothing. I have yet to discover the thrill of buying other people's crap. I also had to go to Savers on Sunday with my mother in law - she loves that place. I can't stand it. I refuse to buy people's old clothes and ugly nick-nacks! GROSS! Anyway, after the garage saling, it was so beautiful outside, we went for a walk, and ended up at Barnes and Noble. Husband wanted to read the rest of the Louis L'Amour book he'd started last week. So I sat and read magazines. And, much to my disbelief, Old Man in Skirt was there again! He was having a political conversation about Canadian politics with two Canadian women sitting close to him. This time his garb consisted of a light blue turtleneck, with one of those long, wrinkle skirts, of all shades - red, black, white, orange. He had a small woman's bag over his shoulder, and was wearing Birkenstock-type sandals with black socks. Let me just say one word: SEXY! I also overheard him say that for the past 9 years, he's come to B & N everyday - it's his "hangout!"
Then Sunday we were driving home from our brother and sister-in-law's house and as we approached our corner, there was a large billboard in the yard of one of the other apartment buildings. In large, neon letters, it read: "WOAH! YOU JUST PASTED PRAIRIE WOODS APARTMENTS!" PASTED!?!?!?!?! Are you kidding me?! Now, if I believed in reincarnation, I would have to believe that I was a book editor in a former life. I love grammar and spelling and punctuation. I found great humor in this sign, and burst out laughing. Husband wasn't quite as enthralled.
And finally, I will leave you with this:
Just as my mother in law was leaving Sunday night, she turns to my sister-in-law and says: "Oh, Liz, I was going to tell you - I already told these guys" (Meaning Husband and myself), "We were sitting in our pew at the wedding on Saturday and suddenly 5 or 6 people came and sat behind us and I just smelled this awful moldy, musty smell. That's all I smelled for the rest of the wedding. They must have been used to it or something." Good story, Mom. Liz just winked at me. Yes, this is typical Mother-in-law conversation, thank you very much. Lord, help us all.


Blogger Erin said...

I saw that sign today and laughed. Hilarious!!!

2:17 PM  

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