Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The creative juices are dry

There have been long gaps in my postings as of late. I'm trying to analyze this and see if it means, I lack creativity....or I have a boring life...or...hmmm... I'm not sure yet! But I thought I would post a little something before I leave for the weekend. Yes, I'm leaving town for the next two and a half days! I'm going to the Cities! I'm very excited about this. I'm going to eat at Cafe Latte with my best friend, and we're going to go to all the wonderful shops on Grand Avenue, one of the things I miss most about not living there anymore.
It makes me wonder, am I ever going to not miss the Cities? I suppose not. I'd still move back there tomorrow if someone made it possible. But Husband does not wish to live there, so, alas, I shall stay in Fargo. And I'll try to do my part to make Fargo as interesting as possible.
Like sometimes I think I'll start the next marriage center in the country here. A place where people can come to work on their marriages. A place where good research is conducted and solid results are found. A place based on Biblical principles. I know it's already been done, but not in this area of the country.
Then some days I think I'll just sell furniture.
Okay, maybe not.
So, I have a 3.5 hour drive in front of me today. I need to arm myself with some good CD's. I've been particularly enthralled as of late with the Robbie Seay Band. They have an authentic worship style that is especially appealing to me. I hope it leads me to prayer - I love praying in the car cause I can pray out loud and nobody hears me but God.
I'm having a hard time motivating myself this morning - I overslept by accident, and the phone woke me up, thankfully. But I think I have a lack of espresso in my blood stream. I need to go do something about this. Then I have a morning of errands and packing ahead of me. And I also must iron my khakis. I hate ironing with a PASSION. It's a necessary evil. Husband does not agree - he'll wear his clothes wrinkled just so he doesn't have to iron. *eyeball rolling from Heather*
Latte, here I come...


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