Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The promised photo

Please forgive my camera - sometimes it has a short circuit and splices pictures, as it did this one, but the main point is still in tact - the tee-shirt. This is the item I purchased from Quince on Saturday that I mentioned in my last entry. I'm very proud of it.

Last night was Knitty Naughties (or Naughty Knitties - did we ever truly decide?) and I wore my shirt. I also finished a dish cloth, which I'm actually excited about (this gives you a glimpse into the inner weavings of my life at this point...I'm excited about a dish cloth...Lord help us all).

Sunday night Husband and I were at Barnes and Noble reading and I went to grab some magazines. I noticed the Psychology Today mag, which I never read, and my attention was caught by one of the titles on the cover: "Love and Affection, What Dogs Really Want." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Psychology Today is now printing articles about dogs and their inner feelings?! What the crap!?

Oh, Husband reminded me of a license plate he saw the other day and asked if I had told Erin about it. I forgot, so here it is: PNESS. Now, is this what I think it is, or could it possibly be someone who's first name is Penelope and last name is Ness? I'll let you decide...

Here's something very interesting. I ran across an old friend's blog last week, and upon reading his entry on Sunday, discovered something that troubled me. His blog was entitled, "Hold Up the One Thing That Defines Your Life." He was musing what that one thing has been during different stages of his life. Then he mentioned that as a Christian, he was tempted to hold up the Bible, but then he went on to say that he doesn't read his Bible all that much and that he doesn't know many Christians who do. Then he went on to say that his wedding ring is the one thing that defines his life right now.

I knew this guy when he was in his "Christian fanatical" days and he used to read his Bible a lot. We worked together, and sometimes he would take his break at the coffee bar and read his Bible there.

Anyway, I was so disturbed that I commented and we began a discussion. My thought on the matter is this: if most of the Christians he knows do not read their Bibles, what does that mean for the rest of Christendom? Probably means most people are not reading their Bibles. Not a surprise, I'll say, but sad, nonetheless. Josh McDowell has a new book out entitled, The Last Christian Generation, and that really scares me. I haven't read the book, but the premise is that young adults are not going to church, and if we're the ones having babies, then we're the ones raising kids without church, which means that the Christian Generation is getting older and is not being replaced.

If the Christians of today aren't reading their Bibles, how are they going to teach anyone else about Christ? My friend's point was that if we're not out there thumping our Bibles at people, then that gives us more credit with the world. But my question is this: what happens when the world starts asking questions that we don't know the answers for? What kind of credibility is that going to give us?

That said, I've gone through periods in my Christian life (this fall will be 10 years!) where I've been a Bible reading fiend, and periods where I rarely crack the thing open. I'm currently involved in Bible Study Fellowship, so I'm reading the Bible several times a week, and learning A LOT. It's wonderful. But, I remember when I was in seminary, and the only time I picked up a Bible was for Old Testament class or Theology 101. That's pretty sad. I hated that time in my life. I'll admit, though, making time for Bible reading and prayer is very, very difficult. Somehow it's not like sitting down and reading a novel or a magazine. I wish it were. I need to have structured lessons in order to get me to do it. But we MUST do it, nonetheless.

The last reason for reading the Bible is this: the Last Days are coming, I'm convinced of it. The Bible holds the signs to look for and the truth to hold to when things get rough. If we leave it behind now, what's going to happen then?

Thoughts, anyone?


Blogger A-Wix said...

Cripes, you make me sound like I sacrifice babies. ;)

I'm cooking up a response to your email. Nice shirt, by the way, and you look great! I doubt I would've recognized you if we had passed on the street.

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i did indeed check back and responded. i'm interested to hear what you think again.

9:51 AM  

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