Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Welcome to Thursday...

a day that has been filled, thus far, with (of course) a latte, a bit of shopping, a chiropractor visit, the wearing of one of my hats (receptionist), and soon, the wearing of my normal hat (therapist). This is good. Then I am going home. I really, really like the fact that I'm not tied down to an office all day long. That is for the birds. I like the freedom to come and go as I please, no set schedule, blah, blah, blah.

I spent some time at the mall this morning, and whilst I was browsing Creative Kitchen, I found the first Gadget on my list: the Mango corer! They had marked it up a bit in price, but I think it's worth it, anyway.

New gadget:
Strawberry Huller! For hours of hulling enjoyment....

Tonight I get to discuss postmodernism with my other philosophically minded friends. I did most of my research in a Christian theology book by Millard Erickson. I understood pretty much everything, until the last 3-4 pages of the chapter. Everything else was very interesting and applicable to our discussion tonight, I think.

Tonight I also have to host my in-laws. They're coming up to watch Husband and Brother-in-law play softball.

I found some beautiful, BEAUTIFUL napkins and placemats on clearance at Creative Kitchen. They were $.98 each. When the clerk rang them up, they were $98.00 each. Needless to say, there was a bit of a typo. The pieces are for my mother for her birthday. She wants to get new pottery - actually the pottery that they bought us (and then we returned because it was too expensive) for our wedding. It's Denby pottery: tres belle. I think the pottery will go beautifully with the items I purchased, and I can just hear my mother now, "OH HEATHER! They're BEAUTIFUL!!!!" I should record her reaction when she opens them - I can GUARANTEE you that's exactly what she'll say!

Must go now and put on my other hat.
Au revoir.


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