Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My Skin Hurts! - or - Do I have Leukemia?

Okay, I must admit, Sara and Ann, that title was just for you! I do hope you stumble across this post soon!

Let me explain. My skin only hurts in one spot: the side of my right leg, where there is a very large, and very purple bruise, of which I have no idea the origins. The question about leukemia is that as of the past 7-10 days, I've accumulated over 10 bruises on my legs, and have no recollection of ever bumping into anything hard enough to cause a bruise! I should take a picture of the doosey on my leg. It's wicked. And quite painful.

So, my crappy trip to the chiropractor was not as wasted as I once thought. I felt like ass yesterday (the day after the adjustment - which is to be expected) but felt quite normal and good today - and could even turn my head to the left all the way! (Which, I must say, is an improvement over yesterday...long story...pinched nerve while knitting at Atomic Coffee nearly 3 weeks ago...good Lord, I can hear myself in 40 years..."Yes, and I have that old knitting injury...always acts up when it's going to rain...") Anyway...

Gadget of the day: Well, I just couldn't resist: look here. It's there. I must display it for the world to see. The sheer fact that it exists makes it necessary to display it. I know Sara and Erin understand.

And, now, for the main attraction! Well, not attraction really, more like the point of this post. I wanted to leave you something before I leave for the weekend. Another wonderful weekend in the Cities!!! I shall be playing at Lake Calhoun tomorrow afternoon, with a stop at Sebastian Joe's extremely likely. Not sure what else is on the itinerary for tomorrow. Friday is supervision, which will be good. It is also dinner out with Carolyn! Hi Carolyn! I don't think you read my blog, but that's okay. I'll still have dinner with you! Saturday is a haircut with my favorite stylist in the WORLD, Nicole, at Rosedale, and coffee with my dear friend Jolene, whom I haven't seen in a few months. After that, I'm thinking I MUST stop by the new Organic farmer's market, Mill City Farmer's Market. You must visit the website and view the deliciousness that is available.

I also have just gotten my hands on the most fascinating book I've ever read. It's about Mormonism, and how absolutely, positively, utterly, fantastically, deranged this religion is. Completely amazing. Shocking. Mystifying. Ridiculous. Unbelievable. Horrifying. Should I continue?

I shall leave you with this: the crux of Christianity:

For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said,
"I will dwell in them and walk among them;
And I will be their God, and they shall be My people!"

A God who dwells among us. What does that do to your heart? It makes mine leap for joy!


Blogger Kiersten H. said...

Thanks for the horribleness of the croqueted portion of the male anatomy that should never be crocheted. I'm officially sick to my stomach...Maybe that's an exaggeration, but you know what I mean. Thanks for killing my innocence. GLYASDI

10:23 AM  

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