Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Monday, June 05, 2006

The weekend

was great! We had a wonderful time visiting friends and relatives. We got ice cream at the Grand Old Creamery, had drinks at what used to be the KFAN restaurant in Roseville and sat on their patio, and generally just enjoyed ourselves.

Then we had to go home.

Thus began the ride from hell.

I had come to the distinct conclusion that it's time to move back to the Cities. Life is NOT working out here like we thought it would, and we need to go where we can more readily get jobs that can actually provide for our needs. However, Husband does not agree. Large amounts of crying ensued.

So, we are at a standstill. We rest in that place of discovery - what does Chris want to do with his life? What do we want our lives to look like? Where would we be happiest? You know, it's so funny - all this time we've been here, I've thought that the reason that things have been so slow and so non-existent is because I needed to learn something. I actually think it's Chris, now, after much conversation and debate. But what?

So, we sit.

And wait.

All I can think of is this:

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

How long are we going to keep hitting our heads against a brick wall?

Not much longer.


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