Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Pains of Learning Discipline

Well, my new quest in life is to be a disciplined person. This is the biggest thing I hate about myself...I'm not a self-starter, I'm not highly motivated (anymore), and I'm very undisciplined. I'm exactly like my mother.


So, I am currently sitting at my desk at work, typing in my blog. I've been here since 12:50. My 1:00 premarital counseling appointment rescheduled for tomorrow (grrr..) and since then, I've been surfing the net, looking for jobs for Husband. This, actually, is productive work, I would have to say, because I found something for him to apply for that would benefit us greatly financially, and that he would enjoy, for the most part! Yay, me. However, now I'm just putting off doing what I need to do, which is read a book about Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy.

This is my new goal: to become an Emotionally Focused couples therapist. See, there are many different theorists in the world of therapy, and one is advised to pick one or two theories and use them. So far, I have not done so, because I've still been trying to make sense out of everything else I'm trying to accomplish during a session. It has come time to put the nose to the grindstone and get 'er done. I feel I will be much more successful this way.

Bible study also falls under my quest for self-discipline. For the past 4 months I have been attending Bible Study Fellowship so I have had lessons to complete and lectures to attend to assist my Bible studying. In two weeks I will be on my own for the summer, and we all know what that means....the Bible gets dusty. BUT NOT THIS YEAR!! I am DETERMINED to study something...what, I'm not sure yet, but something. My first thought is to go through Exodus, since we've been studying Genesis in great depth. My next thought is to study Romans, because that's what next year's BSF study is going to be. I shall see.

Diet and exercise also fall under the discipline issue. I'm actually doing quite well in the diet category, surprisingly. However, I fail miserably when it comes to exercise. I just hate to sweat. It makes me feel gross and sticky. Unfortunately, I've been "blessed" with the Hanawalt sweating genes, and can become quite soaked when working hard. EWWWW! That's why I like to swim or walk. But, I can't afford a Y membership right now in order to swim, and it's been raining so freaking long in this freaking town that I can't go walking outside unless I want to enter a wet t-shirt contest. So, I must learn to exercise.

The last aspect of discipline is the television. I have a few shows that I really enjoy - NCIS and House are my most favorites, followed closely by American Idol, a show I swore I'd never get addicted to. Now, Husband has lured me into the new show called The Unit (which I have to say, is a mildly amusing title). I also enjoy CSI. However, Husband has the TV on at every single point of the day that he is home, so, if I want to spend time with him, which I do, I feel I must sit next to him on the couch and become the petrified couch growth that he is! The only activity that can peel him away from it is going to Barnes and Noble to read Louis L'Amour books. Well, there is one other thing that can peel him away from the TV... Anyway, I wish to watch less TV, waste less time on the internet, and do something interesting, like take a cooking class. Husband suggested a BBQ class. Sounds good to me!

All that said, I have my hands full with disciplining myself. I'm going to do it. I must. Or I will die.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is by no means to replace the conversation on "the kickball coach" (of which there is more), but i thought i would say something here nonetheless.

discipline is a good thing. i'm all for it. but, in order to be successful, it needs to be done with what's on your heart right now. small steps. at least that's how it is for me. whenever i try to make several "major changes" at once, it seems as if only one, maybe two are actually for me. the rest are usually done to satisfy the nagging voices that keep trying to tell me what a "good life" looks like and how i am failing at accomplishing it miserably.

so maybe this does have to do with the "moral code" after all. sorry. i didn't see it coming. honestly.

but in an effort to offer unsolicited advice to answer the cry you put out, i have some ideas. feel free to take them or leave them.

my cyber friends and i have been studying the bible since feb. and it has been no end of great. so you can kill two birds with one stone if you want to come along. the bible won't get dusty, and you can silence the voice that always tries to make people feel as if internet time is wasted time. and it can be. but it can also be kingdom time if you desire it to be so.

like now. you and me sitting here. two people called together in god's name. this is church whether most people recognize it or not. but i digress.

as far as the TV thing goes...

compromise works best for erin and i. one night she's happy, one night i'm happy, and the rest of the time we usually just do our own thing. it's good to have alone time, even when you're together. keeps you from wanting to kill each other.

and of course, if you already know one way to peel him away from the tube (we're not talking cowboy novels, here) and your main desire is to be intimate with your husband, i'm sure he wouldn't mind if you built off of that. heck, you could even get a cowboy hat or something.

all right, i've gone too far now. time for this guy to go to bed.

i know all about the humdrums of the red river valley. i lived there for 8 years myself when i was younger. i hope you can learn to enjoy the slowness of the pace if nothing else.

praying all is well for you and your family, and that your husband would find something that fulfills him inside as well as your material needs outside.

much love, jON

11:35 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

thanks for your thoughts, jon. i'll be responding to your comments pertaining to our other ongoing discussion later...i need to digest what you've said. h

6:41 AM  

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