Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Glorious Weekend

It was another enjoyable weekend, mostly due to the fantastic weather we had here in Fargo. Saturday I slept in entirely too long, which I haven't done in a long, long time. When I finally was coherent, I spent an hour or so at Starbucks, sitting outside sipping a light frappuccino and working on my Bible Study Fellowship questions. However, I had been sitting there no longer than 10 minutes when this group of very odd middle aged folks came along and sat down at the table next to mine. Someone lit a cigarette, which, if you know me, you know that I cannot stand cigarette smoke. Then one of the wives started bellering about her ice water: "Harrold! Get me my ice water! Where's my ice water! Go back in there and get me an ice water!" (Imagine a voice like fingernails on a chalkboard...) So I packed up my stuff and went inside the store to work on my lesson. Once they left, I went back outside.

Husband wanted hotdogs for supper, so we lit the grill and had ourselves some weiners!

Then Husband andI went trout fishing! It was fun, and we both caught a fish! Mine was first, and we took pictures of it, but of course my piece of crap camera screwed the pictures up and they are unrecognizable! I have to get a new camera. Then came Husband's fish. He couldn't get the hook out of it's mouth, because it had swallowed the hook pretty deeply. Finally he had to cut the line so the fish wouldn't suffocate being out of water. When he put it back in the pond, it floated belly up to the top. He helped it get its bearings and eventually it swam away, but about 20 seconds later, there it was again, belly up. That made me sad, so we decided to leave. Then, as we were packing up, it started flailing, then belly up, flail, belly up, get the picture. It was still floating when we left. Poor fish.

Sunday was church, which was pretty good, and a yucky burrito at Qdoba, a lap around one of the big furniture stores in town to try out the recliners, then home for a while. We went back out later, to play catch with the velcro catch set I purchased at Target for $6.99 on Saturday, but we quickly tired of that, so we rented a movie - Flightplan, with Jodie Foster. It was excellent. All in all, a nice, enjoyable weekend.

Now I'm sitting at my desk, contemplating the meaning of life, such as, what does it mean when the thing you spent $40,000 studying in grad school doesn't seem to be working out in your life and you have serious doubts about wanting to continue? This isn't supposed to happen! And what does it mean when your husband hates his job and can't find a different one, even though he's been looking for months and months? Well, since I don't have answers to these questions, I'm just going to go have a latte.


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