Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Many Hats of Heather

So, over the past couple weeks, my job description has been changing hourly. Sometimes I come to work to play receptionist (one of our two receptionists is in Africa till next week), sometimes I go to the back and play with Sandi and learn how to do her job, which I will be performing for 7 days in July, and sometimes I go to my office to do my real job. And, so far, I haven't confused any of the jobs. Like, I haven't sat down with a client and said, "Family Life Credit Services, this is Heather." Or, I haven't sent credit companies any proposals for therapy. This is good. And last night, I even helped Husband while he was being his brother at a kayaking class.

And let me just say this: I have never seen so many mosquitos in my ENTIRE life. Bastards.

My house is a disaster area and my in-laws are coming to stay overnight tomorrow. I know they don't care what our house looks like, but presently, the bed they would be sleeping on is covered in paperwork. I suppose I should do something about that.

I redid my resume yesterday, and I must say that it looks exquisite. I hope companies like it, too. Now I'm redoing Chris' resume. Hopefully it'll look just as good.

Yesterday it was Darold's birthday at work and we had DQ Ice Cream Cake to celebrate. I was "good" and only ate a bite. It was hard, but my willpower won out. However, there are leftovers in the freezer right now...

Oh, interesting news: Mother called this morning to tell me that some of their friends are pretty sure they're going to buy our family farmland. This, again, is very strange-feeling to me. It's hard to think that this small piece of land that's been in our family for generations will now be part of a larger farming family's land. At least we know who is buying it, I guess. Mom even asked if I was okay with it. I think it'll feel weird for a while, but, really, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. The really weird part will be when and if my parents sell the house that I grew up in and move. Strangeness.

I had a very strange thought last night: in my head a little voice said to me, "I want children." I snapped my head around, wondering where that came from, because it COULDN'T have come from me, could it? Yikes! I was watching A Baby Story this morning, and the woman did a natural childbirth, had the baby in a birthing tub, and didn't push at all - it just popped out on it's own! I think maybe I want to do that. I've heard there's much less ripping when you don't push. Hmmmm. Ripping is bad.

Next subject.

My best friend had surgery today to remove ovarian cysts. I hope it went well. I sent her chocolate and a Starbucks gift card in the mail! I know she'll appreciate that.

Well, I guess it's time to go do something else.


Blogger Kiersten H. said...

I want a baby? That would add about a cabillion more hats to your already-full hat-rack.

6:30 PM  

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