Mocha Monologues

A delicious blend of dark roasted thoughts, with a hint of sugar and spice.

Friday, July 07, 2006


All I can think about is having a baby.

What the crap?!

It hit me last week, like a ton of bricks.

Only this time I don't want it to go away....

That's labotomy numero uno.

As for labotomy numero dos, I suddenly find myself wanting to stay in Fargo.

What the crap?!

It hit me last week like a ton of bricks.

All I can say is that God is doing things to my brain/heart. And...I think it's....good.

So, now begins the hard work of marketing myself to the Fargo/Moorhead community, as a Christian Counselor. If any of you have ideas, please feel free to divulge them to me. I'm not the best when it comes to marketing myself. I need all the reinforcements I can get!!!

Next Friday we will be leaving town to go to Iowa. First it's 6.5 hours home to my parent's abode, then it's 2.5-3 hours east to Luxemburg, where my friend, Kelly, is getting hitched.

At the moment, I'm quite proud of myself: my computer crashed at some point in the past 24 hours, and I've figured out how to download the stuff to fix it! YAY!

My mother had an MRI this morning for her back issues. For those who don't know, she slipped on the ice a year and a half ago, and while she didn't fall, she wrenched her back. It started to get better, but two weeks later, was lifting some cases of pop at work, and her back went nuts-o. That one little act led to 3 months off work, 8 months of working part time, a personal trainer, medication, physical therapy, heating pads, more medication, a huge weight gain, and more medication. I'm thoroughly disgusted that her doctor did not order an MRI the first time he saw her. No, I had to call and ask him to do it, because this is flipping ridiculous. I'll stop there, because I could get very worked up about this. Anyway, they'll have answers next Friday, apparently.

I'm on fish #3 now. I went back to blue. I've had better luck with the blue ones. I think I'm not going to name this one.

I came home at noon today cause I was done working, and sat on my balcony, reading my fertility bible entitled, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility." I now know more about my cervix than I ever cared to know.

Just thought I'd leave you with that mental picture...


Blogger Kiersten H. said...

That pretty much just makes me want to laugh...but don't tell me anything that you know about one's cervix. I'd rather be unpleasantly surprised a long time from now... I like the idea of you staying in Fargo. I like you. You're fun.

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she's right. you are fun.

i'm glad to know that there is an amount of clarity, no matter how small, coming in to bring things into focus. not enough to show you your way out of the desert, but enough to show you one more step along the way.

life is like that.

i'll keep interceeding!

8:57 AM  
Blogger A-Wix said...

Well, somebody's got to know about your cervix. Might as well be you.

The Margo/Forehead area can use good people, so you might as well fill that niche. And I hear the town's not all bad. They have a minor-league baseball team. That's pretty cool. And a neat art museum. That's also cool.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Thanks, Jon! Clarity is a good thing. And I do feel as though the desert is slowly hydrating into an arrid area!

And, yes, Andy, the FM area is pretty cool. I'll do my best to fill the good people niche!! :)

10:31 AM  

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